Wanted: Arm reduction program

Hi Lucy!

I really want to wear spaghetti strap blouses (like the one you’re wearing on the cover of Preview’s August issue), but the problem is I have big arms. I really want to make my arms smaller. I heard there’s a series of treatments to make the arms slender without having to undergo liposuction. But then, I’m not sure if this is effective. Do you know about this and do you have any idea how much it might cost? – Anna

I’m wondering what exactly you mean when you say you have big arms. Is your bone structure heavy or are your arms really big because of excess weight? If it is the latter, your best bet really would be exercise (especially because you explicitly mentioned that liposuction is not an option). There is a treatment called Lipo Light (available at the Belo Medical Group; call its main clinic in Makati at 817-7178 or 817-9283), a series of which will make your arms firmer. However, it will not achieve what liposuction will, in terms of reduction in size. It would be best if you have your problem area assessed professionally by a medical expert. I wish you the best. – Lucy
Oil’s Right For Dry Hair
Dear Tingting,

I admire girls who have long, shiny black hair. I’ve always wanted to have that kind of hair, but mine is so dry. I’ve tried many products, including coconut oil, but to no avail. I don’t have the money to go to the salon regularly. – Ms. Problematic

I still believe soaking hair in coconut oil for 30 minutes once or twice daily works. Otherwise, buy hot oil treatment creams at drug and beauty stores. – Tingting
In The Neck Of Time
Hello There, Mary!

I have always been curious about cleansing diets and would like to try one but don’t know how to go about it. I’m 45 years old, but I look younger than my age. However, these past years, I’m beginning to notice some signs of aging, like my neck is getting darker. Also, my pores have always been big. Can I still do something about this? – LJ

There are many diets out there; you’ll probably find one that will suit you. As for your dark neck, perhaps you’re not putting makeup on your neck. Why don’t you mix some whitening cream with your night cream? This will lighten the skintone of your neck. – Mary
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Send e-mail to style_sos@yahoo.com or write to Style SOS c/o Life Section, The Philippine STAR, Roberto Oca and Railroad Sts., Port Area, Manila.

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