An entrancing beauty line

It’s fun, it’s refreshing and it actually works and feels great, dahlings! That’s the message Stores Specialists, Inc. wanted to send about Lush, the newest addition to its lifestyle famille, dahlings.

What is Lush? Well, palanggas, it’s a London-based highly fragrant brand of natural cosmetics. Its soap, masks and body treats are made of natural plant-based extracts, essential oils, yummy organic fruits and vegetables. Modeled like fresh food delis, the soaps look like giant cheeses, the masks like fruits and vegetables stacked on an ice counter.

Lush has body care products, bath ballistics, bubble bar slices and those great massage bars.

A new moon ago, palanggas, Lush, with its lineup of handmade soaps, skin and hair care and bath and body products, won the prestigious 2001 MAPIC Award for International Dynamism in Retail Real Estate in the Health and Beauty Category.

Lush is one of the international beauty industry’s most innovative and exciting companies. It has 110 distinctive, colorful and fragrant shops in over 20 countries across four continents including 32 in the UK alone. But that doesn’t end there, palanggas. The company is planning to open another 100 shops in the next two years, would you believe?

Lush also answers the current market’s demand for more naturally made products that do the job and are packaged in a tongue-in-cheek, bright-and-bubbly yet no-nonsense approach.

While relatively new in the market, dahlings, Lush has already attracted a following that includes Hollywood’s hottest personas. Hotshots like Julia Roberts bought Flying Sauces Bubble Bath; Gwyneth Paltrow got the More Than Mortal Bio Fresh Scrub and Wow Wow Bio Fresh Face Mask; and Leonardo Dicaprio bought several of the cute Ickle Baby Gaff Ballistics. Madonna chose the After 8:30 Massage Bar, Banana Moon Soap and Dreamtime Bath Melt. Sen. Hillary Clinton, no less, bought a selection of products including Happy Birthday Mr. President Bubble Bar Slice.

At the super fun launch, dahlings, Stores Specialists, Inc. invited personas whose lifestyles epitomize Lush. Among them were Inno Sotto; Bea Valdez; Mons Tantoco; Tricia Cu-Unjieng; and Stephanie Zubiri.

As you breeze along Rockwell Power Plant Mall’s ground level, the fabi aroma of Lush products will entice and draw you into the Lush shop. There is also a Lush shop at the ground level of Glorietta 4, Ayala Center, Makati.

You’ll definitely feel lush-cious apres using Lush products.

For more info, palanggas, do visit the Lush website at
Royal Caribbean says ‘Thank You’
The past year saw so many negative events that one almost forgot to pay attention to the positive things that happened, dahlings. This did not happen, however, with the Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCCL) and Arpan Air Inc. (AAI), the sole international representative in the Philippines of RCCL and sister company of the tres popular Baron Travel.

RCCL is a global cruise company that operates Royal Caribbean International (RCI), Celebrity Cruises (CCL) and Royal Celebrity Tours. RCL and CCL are two of the world’s super leading cruise brands. They have a combined fleet of 23 colossal ships with a passenger capacity of – would you believe? – 47,400 berths, no less, palanggas.

Despite all these challenges, palanggas, RCCL and AAI saw it fit to thank their loyal travel agents and media pals by hosting the Travel Agent’s appreciation dinner. The event was held at the cozy Ciao Ristorante of the tres popular Dusit Nikko Hotel. The fun emcees for the night were Arpan Air’s SVP and COO, brilliant and dusky beauty Joy Abrogar, and senior manager, always with a smile Wally Cervantes.

The "thank you" night saw the invitees brave the horrendous traffic and rain just to attend the special get-together.

To make the night a truly memorable one, palanggas, RCCL’s international director for sales and marketing, well-liked and workasonic Rama Rebbapragada jetted in straight from Miami to attend the one-night happening.

From AAI, naturellement, came fashionable cyber smart persona Marilen Yaptangco, the president and CEO, dressed in an elegant black suit. Joy A. wore the Royal Caribbean yellow and blue suit. Ever-loyal media pals and supporters Bob Zozobrado, Philip Cu-Unjieng, Alex Van Hagen and moi arrived fashionably on time, which just shows how much we all truly love RCCL and AAI.

The true VIPs for the night were the ever-loyal and supportive travel agents, naturellement. In her welcome speech, Marilen P. Y. endlessly thanked the agents for their continuous support. She said, "Without it, we wouldn’t have achieved a 20 percent increase from last year."

The increase is definitely tres impressive, palanggas, considering all the hurdles faced by the travel industry all over the world. Marilen also shared the long-term outlook of the cruise industry by announcing, "RCCL continues to be upbeat about the future and all new ships will be delivered as scheduled. The future means additional six ships or additional 14,600 berths. Well, this just means that by Year 2004, RCCL will have a combined fleet size of 29 ships, making it the world’s largest global cruise vacation company."

There will thus be more ships, dahlings, and more destinations to sell – Alaska, Caribbean, Bahamas, Mexican Riviera, Hawaii, Panama Canal, South America, Mediterranean, Scandinavia and Russia, Asia and other exotic fascinating destinations. I guess these only show that cruising is surely the best option for a great and perfect vacation, n’est ce pas (as in, di bala)?

Rama B. also took the floor and congratulated AAI for their success. He acknowledged the guests’ support and shared the credit with the ever-efficient Arpan Air especially those in the day-to-day operations led by Wally Cervantes and sales and marketing manager Sam Manalo.

The jet setters of the travel industry were entertained by multi-talented singer and stage actor, tall and handsome Calvin Millado who did not waste any time in egging some of the agents to perform with him. (A tip for all of you who don’t want to take part in programs like this – don’t stay in front or don’t have anyone beside you who will point to you when you are not looking).

Well, palanggas, even Marilen and Rama did not escape the crowd’s clamor for them to sing. A special dance number was also performed by RCI/AAI fun "angels" Cindy Aquino; Rose Manglao; Patricia; and Desi Sapnit.

As with any perfect event, dahlings, the night ended with a raffle of cruise-prizes. Sandy Sierra of Troika Travel won the grand prize of a four-night Bahamas Cruise for two. Rama must have been so impressed with the crowd that he gave an additional four-night Pacific Northwest cruise. It was won by Conchita Limchong of Sontra Travel.

"RCCL continues to focus on innovations and options which make an RCI cruise a vacation unlike any vacation on earth and celebrity cruises a vacation that exceeds all expectations."

For someone who has tried cruising either with RCI or CEL not just once but – oh moi has lost count! – all moi can say is that if I were you, I wouldn’t waste time in planning for that dream cruise vacation you definitely deserve. Do call your preferred travel agent or Arpan Air Inc., palanggas, at tel. nos. 892-2701 to 03; 894-3957; or fax at 819-5246. You won’t regret it. Promise.

Citibank’s newest baby

Top of the line country business manager and mega achiever Nina Aguas welcomed hotshot invitees, super satisfied clients, and other bank personas at the grand opening of Citibank’s newest branch in Greenhills, dahlings, during a bright full moon. The country’s largest foreign bank re-opened its branch in the area in a new location along Missouri Street across the Greenhills Shopping Center.

Dashing magnum Central Bank Gov. Rafael Buenaventura led the hot, hot invitees. They included the bank’s long-time clients in the area who came and stayed on and on despite the not so nice weather.

Offering world-class banking amenities and more parking convenience with its ample ground level and basement parking facilities, palanggas, the new Citibank Greenhills branch was built adhering to Citibank’s global standards for branch offices. As in other posh Citibank branches, clients can wait in a lounge area while their transactions are being processed. They can also catch up on the latest news while watching TV or browsing through a selection of current magazines or newspapers. Now, that’s real cool, palanggas.

Aside from all these amenities, CitiGold clients can look forward to private and personalized banking in well-appointed, eye-catching surroundings at the bank’s second floor.

Lady of the hour Nina A. and Gov. Rafael B. were joined by branch manager Geraldine Nakpil at the ribbon snipping. Then they breezed around with the rest of the branch’s smart and attentive officers and staff.

the look-see of the entire new branch, our fabi host, Citibank, naturellement, asked the guests to move up at the roof deck for the well-prepared cocktail finger food and drinks that flowed endlessly. The grand finale was a high-powered entertainment show by Mr. Power and Energy himself, the one and only Gary Valenciano, no less.

It was definitely a Lush week for the town’s chi-chi set. Be happy. See you.

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