Coca-Cola shares the happiest way of saying thank you

Parking attendant Marivic cried and jumped for joy when she received an unexpected surprise: A thank you with her name on a personalized Coke bottle.

MANILA, Philippines - Every day, there are people who make our lives happier. Never does a day go by that we don’t thank them, yet we don’t even know their names. Coca-Cola believes that it is time for us to know them better.

Last Sept. 12, Coca-Cola surprised the world with the heartwarming, eye-opening video “The Happiest Thank You.” It documented the real reactions of people, who are usually called by generic names like “Ate,” “Kuya,” “Totoy” and “Boss,” and they were treated with an unexpected token of gratitude, as people finally thanked them by their real names and they were given a Coke bottle with their name printed on it.

Ivan Craig is a bagger boy at a grocery and he’s often called “Totoy.” This one couple said they’re fond of him because he’s such a jolly person; that they’ll always remember him because of the time he ran after them to hand over a bag of groceries they left behind.

Marivic is a parking attendant usually called “Ate.” With her bubbly attitude, she never fails to brighten their day.

Ronilo is a PUV driver and everyone just calls him “Kuya.” A regular commuter on Ronilo’s van said she likes riding with him because he makes her feel safe.

Artemio is a guard at a condominium, but tenants simply address him as “Boss.” One tenant said that Boss never fails to greet him every day. He is so thankful because one night, when he had a little too much to drink, he found out that it was Boss who helped him get home.

People have many good things to say about “Boss,” “Totoy,” “Ate,” and “Kuya,” but nobody every thanked them and acknowledged them by their real names. So, their regular customers surprised them with a bottle of Coke with their name on it. Their reactions were deeply moving.

Artemio said that he didn’t expect to be called by his name. As a matter of fact, he seldom hears his name, even from his wife.

As for Ronilo, he was so happy and stunned that he couldn’t keep his gaze away from his name on the bottle.

With his biggest smile, all Ivan Craig could do was hug the couple who made him happy. He was completely speechless upon hearing his name.

Yet the most heartwarming reaction of all was Marivic’s. She literally jumped and cried for joy, as if it was her happiest day at work.

Indeed, “The Happiest Thank You” has given a deeper and more significant meaning to Coca-Cola’s much-acclaimed Share A Coke campaign. It hopes to inspire each and every one of us to start showing our appreciation in a more personal way. Even the people we’re always with, like our officemates and friends, would surely smile when we thank them by name. After all, the thank you that makes us happiest is the one with our name on it.

If you haven’t watched “The Happiest Thank You,” visit

Should you wish to thank someone with a personalized Coke bottle, they are available in supermarkets, convenience stores, sari-sari stores, and vending machines nationwide.

For those names that can’t be found anywhere, Coca-Cola has a Share A Coke Tour where you can create personalized Coca-Cola bottles. For schedules and guidelines, visit

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