Shell sustains Yolanda rehab

Shell companies in the Philippines country chairman Edgar Chua (third from left) hands over a P4.5-million donation to Pinoy Relief Fund executive director Basilia Yao. Also in photo are (from left) Pilipinas Shell social investment manager Jackie Ampil, Pilipinas Shell Foundation executive director Edgar Veron Cruz, Philippine Business for Social Progress executive director Rafael Lopa and Pilipinas Shell vice president for communications Roberto Kanapi. 

MANILA, Philippines - Months after typhoon Yolanda ravaged Central Philippines, thousands of affected Filipino families are still struggling to rebuild their lives. Aware of the plight of typhoon victims and survivors, energy and gas technology leader Shell leverages partnerships and alliances with non-profit organizations to ensure effective and more sustainable relief and rehabilitation efforts.

Recently, Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc., the social development arm of Shell companies in the Philippines (SciP), turned over a P4.5-million donation to Philippine Business for Social Progress Inc. (PBSP) in support of the Pinoy Relief Fund and its recovery and rehabilitation projects in Guiuan, Eastern Samar.

These include providing fishing boats for livelihood, and the construction and rehabilitation of classrooms as well as shelter for typhoon Yolanda survivors.

Pinoy Relief shall be primarily responsible for the implementation and management of the project, while PBSP shall provide adequate and efficient administrative support and management to ensure the success of the project.

PBSP is a corporate-led, social development enterprise committed to poverty reduction by promoting business sector leadership, while Pinoy Relief Fund is a non-profit organization that provides relief to victims of natural disasters in the Philippines.

Forging partnerships is one of Shell’s innovative methods in actively promoting sustainable development in the country. For more than a century now, Shell continues to be a strong partner of the Filipino people in nation building by implementing strategic social investments that give value to its businesses, as well as benefits to the communities where it operates.

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