Ali Alejandro and his superheroes

As the artistic director of Nova, Ali Alejandro is tasked with deciding what events to host and which artists to exhibit in their Pasong Tamo gallery. Designing catalogues, doing the marketing and ensuring that the gallery is financially stable are all part of Alejandro’s work. Since our 5’10” bachelor is in a position to decide whom to feature, Ali presented himself as an artist ready to have his art exhibit. At 29, Ali admits that he is thrilled that his show happened. He reflects on taking nine years to finish college and his fear of floating out into space.

How I got started must have been when I was about five or six years old. I liked drawing cartoons and comics. My mom, Rio Diaz, encouraged me and always said that Tita Pempi and Pappy Ramon are also good artists.

What made me want to start… In Brent, I had to pick my elective so I chose art. Music is also a form of art, audio, guitar rock … I teamed up recently with my dad, Hajji, and play drums when he has his shows.

My work is about doing music since 2004. Two years ago I entered the art scene and since then, I have been exposed on an intensive basis to learning more about art.

My proudest moment was my graduation as cum laude in Bachelor of Finance at Kalayaan. It was difficult to make the time to study and graduate because I was also working, I supported myself through school and it took me almost nine years. I like comments that help me build myself as an artist.

Advice is easy to follow from my dad, Hajji, Tito Charlie Cojuangco and the family.

My personal style signifier would be my cartoons. They are distinct with their bold colors or blacks and whites.

What makes me happy are eating food and making other people happy.

The last meal that truly impressed me was something I cooked. I made this chicken fajita and wow, it was really good.

One fear of mine is getting shot up into space and just floating there.

My worst moment was when I was in San Francisco and wanted to go back to be with my mom to say goodbye to her. She asked me to go pick up something and when I had run the errand, we both realized that I had to go directly to the airport to catch my flight. I could not say goodbye to her. She died three weeks later.

Best quality about me… I am a very nice person. If people want me to do things for them, I will do it.

A recent find is I have been finding myself as an artist and this show is helping me to develop my style.

If I had to limit my travels to one city… I have been to the States, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Paris, Venice, Rome, Munich and Canada. I would love to go back to Venice.

A memorable place I have travelled to in the past year was Hong Kong. There is an art fair I have been going to for three years and it establishes what the international market accents as hot.

The souvenirs I choose to bring home… When I play in my band, Aspen Way and Misyonario, I usually take the posters and the ID cards and post them on the wall in my house.

The place that inspires me… If I am on the beach I like to write songs. At home, I do research for my art.

The best gift I’ve received recently is an inheritance from my mama.

In school, I learned how to be patient because I just had to get through it. And that is it.

After being in business, I realized that the best business is what you enjoy doing naturally.

My favorite website… A while ago I was browsing — it has a lot of funny posts.

My talents include playing drums for a rock band. I am very good at the computer and I have an eye that can look at something and I am able to copy — it can be the same scale or bigger. It’s how I learned how to draw.

The book I am reading now is The Art of Immersion. Modern-day storytellers who explain that information is no longer in a linear order. Everyone wants to get involved in the story. People want to immerse themselves in what they like and watch things anytime.

Good advice I have given is just do what you want to do that is closest to your heart.

Good advice I have received is too much of anything is bad.

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