Ricky Delgado: why he identifies with James Bond

Those gentle eyes belong to Ricky Delgado Jr., whose work has much to do with airports. As president of Miascor Holdings, he manages over 1,000 employees who run the ground services of 17 airlines. Checking in passengers, baggage handling, food catering, cleaning planes and preparing them for their next takeoff are some of the jobs that his group is responsible for. As vice president of Citadel Holdings, he is in charge of business development for the company’s cargo forwarding activities.

Being the only son in a family of high achievers has been a challenge for Ricky, 30, who proved his scholastic brilliance with his MBA from Kellogg School of Northwestern University in Chicago. Upon returning to the Philippines, he involved himself with Islacom before moving on to Miascor. Our 5’11" athletic bachelor divulges his philosophy on how he plays the game of life and his love for James Bond.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

When I graduated from Brown University. I had worked very hard for four years but was still surprised to graduate magna cum laude.

Which living person do you admire most?

One of them is my best friend whom I have known since I was 11, Manolet Montinola. He has a solid set of values. For 19 years he has always done the right thing by people.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

It’s probably a misunderstanding since I don’t screw people. If I made a mistake, I’ll apologize.

What is your thrill?

I have always enjoyed dealing with the situation I am in and making the most out of it.

What sports do you like most?

Basketball since I was five years old. I play guard at the courts in Dasmariñas Village.

Name an embarrassing moment at work.

I was giving the heat to someone until I realized I was misreading the financial statement.

What book influenced your life?

Tuesdays with Mory.
This book is about a friend of a person who was stricken by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). As the disease progresses through Mory’s body, we learn that we have to make the best of every day, no matter what illness or obstacles we may have in our lives.

Which famous quotation would you have wanted to be the author of?

Life is not the destination but the journey.

Which hero of fiction can you most identify with?

James Bond with his exciting lifestyle and travels.

What is your passion?

Trying to make the most out of life by pushing myself hard at work, seeing the world and making friends wherever I go.

How do you start your day?

Wake up early at 6:30 a.m.; gym for an hour at home with good music.

What is your current state of mind?

I am at peace these days because I realize that we are all given a set of cards to play our lives with and what matters is how we live the life we have been given.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Traveling to meet up with friends who live abroad.

What words or phrases do you overuse?

At the end of the day...

If you could be any historical character, who would you like to be?

Hernando Cortez who conquered the Aztecs. When he arrived in Vera Cruz, he burned all his ships so there was no turning back.

Who makes you laugh?

Jaime Daez makes me laugh. He is very frank and catches me off guard.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Realizing that you have wasted your life.

What is your favorite journey?

Learning more about what I am supposed to be doing in this world.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

Someone who stands up for what he believes in. Rectitude.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?


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