Felicia Hung: My career is like a box of chocolate truffles

Determined to succeed in the financial world, Felicia Hung joined two of her colleagues in their daring feat of doing a management buy-out of the local Merrill Lynch office. The deal was successfully completed in October 2001 and their renamed group, Philippine Equity Partners, is a major focus of this result-oriented 32-year-old Wharton graduate.

Taiwanese-born Felicia has been a stock broker for over 10 years and has just returned from a year’s training in London, Bloomberg. Her candid remarks and her laughter make her personality sparkle although this openness is often reserved for people she knows well. A current romance is bringing even more inspiration to this lady as she seeks to be flexible in listening to view which may differ from hers.

On what occasion do you lie?

When I don’t want to hurt someone like if their spouse is cheating on them.

Which political leader do you most identify with?

Madeleine Albright. Condoleeza Rice. All the female political leaders. As a rule, women are underrepresented and we can be very good at it.

Who or what is the greatest love of your life?

A charming debonair politician.

What is your most fervent wish?

To have a happy intact family, eventually get married. In the intermediate term, it would be for our success in the financial field. If I can command the respect of our competitors, keep my integrity and satisfy clients, and if people working here are eager to come to work, plus the bottom line looks good.

Where would you like to go for a romantic evening?

Hotel Costes. Dinner by candlelight in the courtyard, a murmur of music, a good bottle of Bordeaux...that would be the ambience. Who I am with would determine the romance.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

I always like to let people know where I stand. At the same time, I am flexible and listen to people’s opinions. Life is so short, so why waste time fighting when you can be making love?

What sports do you like most?

Running on a treadmill at home or in the Polo Club. I love swimming because I am a Piscean.

Where would you like to live?

I love the Philippines as a base; then a quiet villa in Provence or Tuscany.

What film influenced your life?

None. I admire people more like Sharon Stone who is a woman that I perceive as strong and independent and very beautiful.

Which hero of fiction can you most identify with?

Again, it’s the actress that I identify with like Juliette Binoche in Damaged with Jeremy Irons. She is mysterious, sultry and very classy.

What is your greatest fear?

I have so many fears.Failure would be a great fear but people would say that I should learn from my mistakes.

How has your character changed since your childhood?

My classmates from International School say that I have not changed and am still talkative, babaw with strong opinions and a lot of laughs.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

None. I love myself.

How would you describe your career?

Akin to a box of assorted chocolate truffles. Each bite an experience, each taste, I savor.

How do you start your day?

My room is very dark, so I need an alarm clock to wake me up at 7 a.m. I am a low-maintenance person; with a shower and my breakfast of skimmed milk and fruits, I can be out of the door in 15 minutes.

What is your motto?

Live every day as if it is your last.

If you had the chance to change something in your life, what would that be?

Not gone out with certain men.

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