A toast to 32 beautiful years

Ever Bilena Cosmetics Inc. president and owner Dioceldo Sy with daughter Denice.

MANILA, Philippines - Two industry giants are celebrating their birthdays this month. One is the leading cosmetics company in the Philippine retail market and the other, the man who started it all.

Ever Bilena, reputedly the leading beauty brand in the country, is celebrating its 32nd anniversary this month and along with its remembrance of past glorious years, owner and president Dioceldo Sy, also known as “Boss Deo,” and his daughter Denice, look back with heartfelt gratitude at the makeup empire’s humble beginnings. Both father and daughter believe that the driving force of the company’s success is people — to value them, and to care about what they want and need. This is the reason why the company’s consistent goal is to bring the best products at a price every Filipino can afford. “Ever Bilena is a reflection of my character and personality. I think I might be doing the right thing because it has lasted this long and it continues to grow,” Boss Deo shares.

On the other hand, Denice shares that more than all the valuable business principles that shaped her mindset, what inspired her to love the company she grew up with were the stories of her father’s humble beginnings and his genuine concern for other people. This was evident throughout the years that Ever Bilena Cosmetics Inc. thrived in the industry. “There are people who have been with the company for 30 years now,” Denice shares. “It’s my dad’s love for them that I think is a big factor why they’re still with the company.”

The Sys’ genuine love and concern for people do not end with their employees and their loyal customers. Their efforts in supporting NGOs, institutions and depressed communities are the company’s way of giving back the blessings it has received from God, on whom they founded their values upon. Recalling the devastation wrought by typhoon Yolanda still stirs strong emotions in Boss Deo who saw first-hand the suffering it brought to the people of Tacloban. “We’ve seen people suffering and this thing brought sad emotions in my heart,” Boss Deo shares. Father and daughter share the importance of being grounded, leading people by example, prudence and being free from the bounds of social status.

“My dad has always been the dad-slash-boss,” Denice shares. “Ever since I was little, he has been building this business mindset with me.” She says that her dad would always talk about business opportunities, whether it was in the dining room and even through school. Denice finished a double degree in South and Southeast Asian Studies and Business Administration at Berkeley University in California. Boss Deo shares that he enjoyed visiting Denice while she was in the US. “I tried to take a break from my normal working schedule and checked if she was doing the right thing or not,” he jests, adding with immense pride, “At least, I was not disappointed. She did well. I saw her mature and grow up and become more independent when she was studying abroad.”

Now that Denice is slowly keeping up with the professional demands of occupying a vital position in the company, Boss Deo reminds her to go with the flow of the fashion trends and always consider the needs of the consumers as the top priority. All the while, doing this without compromising the quality of the products and forgetting the traditional yet effective business principles, which made Ever Bilena stand the test of time.

Denice says, “It took 32 years to build the company, not overnight. With the same discipline my father upheld and with the help of modern tools I could put on the table, I believe we could stay and grow stronger to make it into the global market.”


Photography by Paul Cortes • Makeup by Elma C. Oraye • Clothes on Denice by Jellybean

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