Libya: Celebrating democracy

Archbishop Guiseppe Pinto, Department of Foreign Affairs executive director Nathaniel Imperial and Libyan Charge d’Affaires Mahmoud Ben Shaban., Mahmoud Ben Shaban talks of his country’s historic quest for democracy.

Libyan Chargé d’Affaires Mahmoud Ben Shaban hosted the celebrations for Libya’s third anniversary of the “February 17 Revolution” held at the Ballroom of the New World Makati Hotel.

The event was well attended with members of the diplomatic circle and officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs sharing the North African nation’s jubilation in celebrating a milestone in their history.

In 2011, the people of Libya launched an uprising against the decades-long rule of Muammar Gaddafi, resulting in a civil war between forces loyal to Gaddafi and those who wanted to overthrow the dictator. The February revolution succeeded in ousting Gaddafi, who died of injuries sustained during his capture in October 2011.

Many nations supported the Libyan people’s quest for democracy and freedom of expression, hailing the courage and bravery of the citizens in overcoming four decades of oppression.

Photos by Ramon Joseph J. Ruiz

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