Sexy detox!

People often associate the term “inflammation” with wounds and sore muscles. What people do not seem to know is that inflammation (the body’s response to protecting itself from perceived enemies in an effort to heal itself) is easily triggered by various forms of stress and is very closely associated with weight gain. After the Christmas and New Year revelries are over, most people begin to plunge into a state of malaise and soar in levels of body fat. Unsurprisingly, it is at this time that instances of inflammation are at its highest.

Just how does inflammation cause weight gain?  Continuous consumption of unhealthy food such as processed carbohydrates creates a state of oxidative stress. This immediately sets to motion an inflammatory response from the white blood cells, which in turn breaks the cells’ insulin response. As a result, fat within the cell is released into the bloodstream and glucose (sugar), which is meant to be used as energy, and gets stored as fat instead. 

 In turn, stress is a major factor that leads to obesity. How does stress cause fat gain? When we are in a stressful state, our body breaks down fat cells in order to move triglycerides into our blood stream.  The triglycerides are meant to be used as energy to react to stress. Whatever excess triglycerides remained after the stressful situation is over, theoretically are expended because of strenuous physical activity. This system worked fine during the caveman era when the body was constantly moving in order to survive. Modern man expends, however, a fraction of the physical energy that the caveman utilized and so the unused fat is redistributed to the adipose tissues, which surrounds the tummy area.

So what can be done to reset the body to its original peaceful and fat-burning state? Nutritionist and Sexy Solutions consultant Nadine Tengco has been working with countless patients, many of whom are movie and TV personalities whose profession demands a strict adherence to aesthetic excellence and a need for physical endurance. “A lot of my clients eat unhealthily and live stressful lives. Many of them also are on a deadline that necessitates immediate results so I am often asked to help them reboot their system and help them lose fat immediately. It is because of them that I advocate detoxing their system through a juice drink line called Sexy Detox.”

Tengco’s juice selection helps the body by:

1. Cleansing the body’s system for better nutrient absorption.

2. Promoting good health by feeding the body with disease-fighting nutrients.

3. Stimulating weight loss, expelling toxins and restarting the metabolism for optimum function.

Nadine advises her clients to drink their veggies and eat their fruits. “Eating the fiber from fruits is important. Without the fiber, the liquid from fruits just becomes a sugar-filled drink. Furthermore, people tend to consume a very limited amount of vegetables in a day so in order to ensure that ample supply of nutrients are taken in by the body, juicing a kilo of greens becomes a very convenient and foolproof alternative.” Nadine’s research also reveals that most detox juices available in the market or via social media are made for cleansing or for better health purposes but are not formulated for weight loss. Detox juices formulated for weight loss are difficult to create because it is really tricky to combine all vegetables and herbs together and still make them delicious without adding fruits that are high in sugar.

Cristalle Belo Henares, managing director of Sexy Solutions, emphasizes that “doing the treatments with Sexy Detox is a quick start, not a quick fix. We are here for the long haul — a marathon with our patients, not a sprint. We want to hold the hands of our patients in their journey to sexy. The patients experience amazing results in inch-loss but that’s just the beginning. We want to lead you to start a lifestyle of health and fitness that will bring lasting and more memorable results.”

Sexy Solutions is the non-surgical arm of Belo that focuses on holistic and non-surgical ways to lose weight by combining fitness, nutrition (including Sexy Detox Juices) and the latest machines and treatments altogether to help patients achieve their dream body. Nadine adds, “A bonus to this cleanse is that one experiences fat loss without having the dry, withered complexion commonly found in those that practice extremely low-calorie diets. With the cleanse, patients maintain a glow while and after juicing. Imagine getting healthier, sexier and looking more beautiful at the same time? Yes, all that without the surgery!”

(To learn more about Sexy Detox, call Sexy Solutions at 810-7399 or visit For best results, consult your doctor. )

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