How to avoid Christmas shopping anxiety

If you are one of the last-minute Christmas shoppers, here are some tips to lessen your anxiety:

1. Make a list of what to buy and for how many persons.

2. Make an early estimate of how much you will need and withdraw from the bank.

3. If you are planning to shop in Quezon City or Muntinlupa, don’t forget to bring your eco-bags.

4. If you foresee that you will be shopping by the bulk, bring along a shopping buddy.

5. Arrange for your transportation needs as commuting via public transportation may add to your frustration.

6. Give one to two hours allowance for your travel time to avoid feeling anxious as traffic along the major thoroughfares is indeed bumper to bumper.

7. Choose a shopping mall nearest your place.

8. At this point in time, it may be wiser to choose a smaller and less popular mall where there will be less shoppers and therefore a shorter line to the department store cashier.

9. Refrain from bringing your small kids while shopping.

10. If you have the exact number of the people you need to buy gifts for and if you want to exempt yourself from the hustle of late Christmas shopping at the malls, why not try online shopping and home delivery?  There are many establishments that will cater to your shopping needs. This mode just requires at least two days allowance.  Another advantage is the Christmas items for delivery are already artistically wrapped.  All you need to do is write the names of the people you will provide these Christmas gifts.

11. Another way to exempt you from going to the malls is getting a list online of factory outlets near your residence. You will get the items cheaper. I moved to Teachers Village in Quezon City two years ago and to my delight, along Maginhawa Street is the factory and store site of Our Tribe, the main shop of Vida Doria and a fashion boutique shop where one can find imported clothes.  There is also a boutique along Scout Tobias that sells fashionable items and is open even past 10 p.m.  If you live near ABS-CBN, you can do your shopping there.  If you don’t have the time to cook for your Noche Buena, online delivery is also the answer. All you need is a phone or an Internet connection.

12. If you have some culinary talent, you can make yemas, pastillas or yummy cupcakes and wrap them for your special friends.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


(In your own little way, please help the survivors of typhoon Pablo feel that there is a Christmas even after a disaster.  Send your donations to the Philippine Red Cross or to the nearest TV stations and NGO’s providing relief operations.)

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