The Presence

We seem to be missing “presence” nowadays. So many people I talk to, who come for readings, who I share conversations with, shake their heads in frustration at how tough things are, how everything seems to be weighing them down, how life is getting faster, tougher, relationships more challenging, value-systems topsy-turvy. As a friend said to me: “The ‘Dark Side’ seems to be so strong and stronger even is the impulse to move that way.” It seems to be the easier state because majority are comfortably there, enjoying life, material pursuits, success as the world defines it. It is the way of the world now.

There is also a predominant feeling of tiredness, energies that are low or depleted creating physical illnesses, mindsets that look at things with anxiety and fears. In our rush about lives, we are missing the awareness of something deeper or higher in our lives. And so I state again: we are missing Presence — not that it isn’t there. It just takes much effort, this re-directing of our attention and focus towards being more sensitive to the way daily moments unfolds.

Sometimes we meet this Presence in certain people to whom we connect with. We get “high” with them, are inspired by them. We are happier, lighter, our hearts more open when they are around us. This is Charismatic Presence. They can influence us for the good and positive. In the realm of the quantum sciences, this can be described as heightened electromagnetic fields of these people where cells vibrate at higher and faster speeds. These people who carry this Presence are charged with a heightened sense of being alive, of power, dynamism and passion.

This Presence can also be felt within each of us in moments when we are filled with contentment, where we live in the vibration of truly being alive — our bodies perhaps shaking, hearts fluttering, senses enlivened, our breathing deep and whole. It sounds very much like being in love and in some way, it is.

We have this Presence in us when we are awake to a dimension of our higher nature. This is because part of the nature of this Presence is a quality of loving oneself. We likewise see this in the innocence of children as we laugh at their antics, in the way a contented mother smiles at her baby where the two of them are outside time. In these relationships, there is a connected “being” of just enjoying each other, where a field of love envelops us interacting with a child, or even being with a beloved. This is Nurturing Presence. No judgments, just enjoying the “beingness” of the other. Positive energy flows equally between parties.

Then there is Healing Presence that arises when the intention is to send compassion to another who is suffering, either physically or in the mind. The other feels safer, understood, carried in the loving embrace of acceptance. This has a very powerful effect especially for people who are physically ill or depressed, confused, asleep to their own potentials. This space also allows for emotional baggages to be released and transformed, for new perspectives and directions to arise.

And there is an even deeper Presence which I am sure some of you have experienced. There is a Divine Loving Presence that permeates life when one becomes sensitive to it. It is quiet, almost peaceful. There is a powerful purposefulness to this one, where the steady charge of energy is aligned with pushing us forward to do, to become, to manifest and to evolve. It is energy that comes from the Higher Spheres, aided by spiritual forces, guides, even angels. It is spiritually nourishing. It sensitively awakens the layers of our soul consciousness.

It is the Presence that makes us reflect deep inside and ask the hard questions: Why am I alive? What is my purpose? What is this lesson I am learning now that despite the pain, I know I must go through? This Divine Presence arises in the solitudes of our dark nights, as well as the clarity of our vision for our life. This kind of deep abiding Loving and Wisdom Presence becomes part of our minds and consciousness when we try to be more mindful and sensitive to listen to it and feel it. We may sense it through the quietness of our breathing, we feel it arising. In the state of mindfulness when we bring this awareness to the flow of our experiences, with no intention to control what happens. (And this is very hard for many of us to do because we are control freaks.) But I will tell you a secret: As the “Dark Side” takes control, here is our most potent weapon — Divine Loving Wisdom Presence that all Masters through time have harnessed. It is the positively-charged loving Christ energy that we allow to dwell in us.

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