Shift energy

The year 2012 is being mentioned as a year of the shift. For people questioning the “shift,” let me propose that we need to see why we have to shift, from where, why and what do we shift from? One key element we want to look at this present time is that of energy  how we manage it and how it affects us. How will this energy affect us if we want to consciously cross over to a new kind of life, and new way of managing our personal energies vis-à-vis the energies of the environment and society around us? Why do we need to shift our energy? Because our lifestyle is getting unsustainable: too much stress; work-life balance is off; chronic sicknesses are coming, which are either caused by the toxins found in the food we eat, air we breathe or the water we drink. Add to this the stress caused by the congested environment and the attachments we have to: goals that include profit-making, or even financial survival, and even the attempt to balance our own issues that arise in the relationships of our lives. The challenges are so much that we say… how do we even begin to clean up?

I propose we look at our own personal energies as this is something we can control. Let’s look at it so we can control this towards a life of wellness. I was listening to a talk by an international healer, Master Del Pe, who identified the quotients that we must focus our energies on and try to balance: the physical, vitality for longevity, our emotions, our mental and spiritual dimensions. We have to put our energies in these five areas of life. Meaning, we need to find balance in our physical body where we have activities that move the body so the life force can break blocks to give more vitality, which is the second quotient. Vitality in life is energy that is positive, productive, life-giving, happy and dynamic. It gives us the zest for life. It is one of the secrets to longevity. Energy put into the emotional quotient means that we need to heal our subconscious traumas, fears and all other negativities. In other words, let’s take responsibilities for our negative projections to other people or events and see that if we invest positive energy to our emotions, then we are balancing this part. Our mental energies direct the constructive changes we want in our life. We think with intention and thought forms create the reality in our lives  this is if we are not blocked there with fear, insecurities or even “small-minded” thoughts, which can be so selfishly directed. Mental energies being balanced can also mean seeing innovation and creative changes in life bringing positive shifts that in turn will affect not only our businesses but also relationships and other things we do for social and environmental causes for the bigger community of society.

The fifth quotient often forgotten is the spiritual quotient. When we shift the perspective that everything in this life is transient, that the world we are in now is always changing, that nothing is permanent, we bring our consciousness or our mindsets into something higher than just our personality and daily life. There is something greater beyond us  God, the Universe, the shared Truth Within  that is shared by humanity. This belongs in the spiritual realm. And here is the secret: the spiritual realm is where energy resides. So to be effective, we must dive deep inside ourselves to find this spiritual handle, and this will open us up to ways of handling our energies. Deep awareness and introspection to our own beingness is a spiritual focus. Deep absorption in beauty, with nature, with the universe, is spiritual focus. Through the deep dive, or the transcendence of our minds beyond thinking of our mundane life, we are already attempting to touch the spiritual. Then again, there would be others who say that the totality of one’s being, awareness and presence, being put into just enjoying an ice cream cone, or looking deep into the innocence of a baby… all these, too, are spiritual. So we can actually control our personal energies by just trying to be so totally in the moment, identifying what quotient we are working at  physical, working for vitality, the mental or emotional  then find that we are really working in this spiritual present moment. For each moment is divine. Each action can be imbued by energies of love and kindness. Each thought projected with creativity, healing, compassion. By this moment by moment presence of the experience of our life, we build on the quality of life. We build on vitality, innovation, creativity, harmony and peace. Slowly, the stresses of the day, of the world and the people around us won’t affect us as much. This shift is a constant practice until it becomes a habit and end up a state where we find we actually have shifted to a different level.

So one of my takes on 2012 is that these little personal shifts and choices each of us makes is what this year is about. It’s a shift in the way we choose to be, and choose to live within a world we can choose to change.

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