Gary V.'s 25 precious gifts

“The last few words are now being written. Chapter 25. Page 8,975. Today, the heart now beats a lot harder. The breathing has become a lot deeper. Yet, excitement still fills my veins like the rushing of a mighty river. And in this night, the questions remain. What else is there? How much higher can one fly? At dusk, the sun’s rays begin to fade away. But when they do, they rise up again in some other place to start a brand new day. That’s why my spirit celebrates because there should be no doubt as to what Pure Energy can generate.

“I won’t be silent. I won’t be still. I’ve heard it said before. Nothing in life lasts forever. For tonight I’m glad, it’s just you and me here together.

“Storms have come. Storms have gone. But I would not have made it this far without the power of the SON.

“You see, I wasn’t meant to merely survive or to simply light the stage or the sky. This year, 25, it’s beyond the music and beyond the dance. Into every heart and the eyes of which I glance is the spirit of which I fight for, the source of all Pure Energy and the reason why today, I am alive.”

With those powerful words, Gary Valenciano took the centerstage and made his entrance very lively with his opening number — Shout for joy! Sing His praises! Lift your voice unto the Lord!

Electrified, the spellbound audience hung onto his every word. This was Gary V Live at 25, a concert, an outpouring of his heart and soul, witnessed by a jampacked crowd in joyful frenzy at the Araneta Coliseum.

I felt lightning bolts of electricity striking deep into my core. This was no ordinary concert. I felt so fortunate to be there.

My heart was touched, my soul ignited. His divine message resounded. I, along with a thousand others, was there to witness a grand celebration of everything God had given in the past 25 years of his career in the entertainment business. While I grooved to his music and got reflective on his many numbers, I drew an outline in my head about the 25 gifts Gary V. received from his mighty maker through the past 25 years of his career.

1. The gift of Gary’s health or healing. Coincidentally, the first night of the concert turned out to be National Diabetes Day. For those who are not aware, Gary was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. He was told that the lifespan of a juvenile diabetic is 30 years. Well, there he was, standing before us vibrantly alive and well at age 44, with no complications.

2. Unwavering faith. At the start of the concert, Gary’s voice was very hoarse; his throat was severely sore. We wondered how he would be able to complete this big performance. With childlike faith, he prayed and lifted this show up to Jesus. The source of his power kept him singing straight for almost four hours. Amazingly, his voice just got stronger with each number.

3. A golden voice to match his golden heart. Gary is both versatile and powerful. One never tires of listening to Gary sing. But this night was different because what we heard was the voice of his heart.

4. Gift of song. His most popular songs are actually beautiful prayers that are precious and timeless. His spiritual legacy lives on through his songs using the comforting words and messages of the Almighty.

5. Gift of dance. He is one incredible dancer. When one dances and sings his praises, it is like praying thrice. His son Gabriel inherited this talent.

 6. Gift of playing the keyboards. His nimble fingers play the most beautiful melodies.

7. Gift of playing the drums. He strikes the drums with perfect rhythm, producing joyful sounds, together with his son Gabriel.

8. The gift of spouse. In Angeli, Gary has found unconditional love and generous devotion. Their special union is absolutely blessed with a powerful partnership like no other.

9. Paolo, 24. He is a talented rocker now with the famous Salamin band. He has his own unique style of music which inspired Gary’s new upbeat number, a great hit with the crowd.

10. Gabriel, 20. He’s a very gifted drummer and a versatile dancer.

11. Kiana, 15. Gary’s pretty and graceful daughter is also blessed with a lovely voice and was a dazzling vision in white that night.

12. Mamita. Gary’s mom, Grimi Ortiz, is the source of family love and beauty.

13. Gary’s father, Vic Valenciano, is an avid photographer who documented their sweetest memories through his heartwarming photographs shared with us that evening.

14. The Pangilinan family. Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, Sharon, KC, Frankie and Miel were all present on that special night. How wonderful it is to be blessed with not just one but two supportive families.

15. Adoring fans. I overheard a whole family behind me say, “We love Gary so much.” I knew they meant it. The place was jampacked. I heard that the second night was equally filled, too.

16. Numerous awards received. He has too many awards to count in the past 25 years but let me name the latest... at the 21st Awit awards last November, Sana Maulit Muli, my favorite song co-written by Gary with his wife Angeli, bagged the top prize. This song was done as a duet with Kyla that night and it gave them the best performance award in 2004. Speaking of duets, Gary and Jed Madela also took the year’s top prize in this category for their rendition of Hard Habit to Break.

17. Gary’s team. He is blessed with a competent, loyal and tireless group of people who enjoy working with him through thick and thin.

18. A grateful heart. Unlike other artists who merely rattle off their list of sponsors in spitfire fashion, Gary took time out in a very special way to sit still and slowly and sincerely expressed his gratitude to each and every sponsor. He related to us how they started and how long they have been together. He even specified how they helped him when he was just starting and how close they have become through the years and today, they are partners and good old friends.

19. Charism of the Holy Spirit. When he speaks, people listen. When he sings, he sets your soul on fire. 

20. Good looks. That’s part of his many blessings. What more can I say?! He is just really good to look at.

22. Positive energy that continues to flow out of his being. This enables him to touch others in the most positive way.

22. Prayer. His songs lead you to prayerful reflection. Every morning, I listen to his songs Could You Be Messiah?, Take Me Out of the Dark and Sa Yahweh ang Sayaw. They never cease to boost my spirit and move me to pray. To me, his concert was one big extra powerful prayer.

23. Service. He goes around the country enthusiastically serving the less fortunate, sharing his time and God-given talent for causes like GK and Unicef.

24. Love. This man is so full of love for God, for his wife, his family, his fans and fellow artists, his many friends. He is not selfish with his love and is not afraid to show it.

25. Hope. Every day, be it through his songs, performances and purpose-driven activities, every where he goes, Gary never stops inspiring hope.

On that special night, I learned through Gary V Live at 25 what a real anniversary is all about. It is an earnest accounting of all the good and Godly things received through the years. These gifts are not meant merely to be kept to one’s self, but just as Gary did, a commitment to share these with others in order to multiply them.

It was indeed a joyous celebration of what the Lord has so generously given.

Thank you, Gary!

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