Jeena Lopez: The good sport

Even at a glance, one can immediately tell that mother and wife Jeena Lopez leads an active and healthy lifestyle. She begins, “I’ve been into sports all my life. I could pick up most — not really all — sports and be good at them immediately.” And this is quite evident in the many athletic achievements she has garnered to date. Just this year, for example, she won the ladies crown during the Third Philippine Cable Wakeboarding Nationals — her third consecutive title in the field. Even her foray into reality TV with husband Ernesto “Ernie” Lopez in the premiere episode of Amazing Race Asia further emphasized her athletic side and ability to work under great amounts of pressure.

She declares, however, “You cannot put me in a rigid program.” For Jeena, an ideal and healthy life is, first and foremost, comprised of a sound mind and body. “You don’t have to be a tri-athlete to be considered healthy. Happy thoughts. Own your happiness and be around people who will not bring you down. Do the sports that you enjoy and more importantly, have a good vacation,” advises Jeena.

Between family, work and time for sports, Jeena insists that leading a healthy life does not end with an hour spent at the gym. “That’s why it’s called a lifestyle. No matter how busy, you get to squeeze in the healthy life. It’s not only about exercise; it’s also about the food you eat and the thoughts that you surround yourself with,” says the dynamic individual. Jeena is perhaps in her best shape yet. Her mornings are spent horseback riding — which is both leisure time and exercise for Jeena — while her diet is kept balanced. Exercise, she attests, “has given me clarity of thought and a good disposition to battle stress. When you give your body that, you will get back so much from it.”

Acknowledging the ever-changing times, Jeena is well aware of the many risks high-stress living may bring. “Because of the time and the toxic environment we have, we will never know what ailments will come to us,” she declares. Shortly after a visit to her doctor, Jeena did not waste time in getting GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervical Cancer vaccine. “My gynecologist recommended that I take precautions for cervical cancer.” She strongly advises, though, that when it comes to taking preventive measures, it is always good to weigh its benefits and its side effects. Jeena adds, “It’s just always wise to lessen your worries.” A sound mind, soul and body — these are the things that have afforded Jeena the good life and the many pleasures that it has to offer.

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