Inner change, outer action

As the situation in our world and planet is moving at a dizzying rate of change, we are filled with meaning now as we grasp the impact of global warming; lifestyles that answer only to ego needs; the insatiable lust for material desires which are way beyond the basic needs for living; and business practices that further widen the gap between the rich and poor. We are seriously behaving in a bad manner, not just for ourselves now but for the future generation and the kind of world we may leave them. Yet at the same time, the winds of our present age are blowing belief systems and thought forms that no longer serve the human race. We are evolving, although it may not be apparent to most.

There is a global wisdom underlying the trends today that awakens us to this evolutionary step up the consciousness ladder: We are all interconnected. You are part of me, we are part of nature and nature is part of this vast space. Scientists today study quantum physics and their studies have found a sub-atomic realm where energy connected everything that exists in this physical and non-physical universe.

To grasp this concept of interconnectedness and be able to feel it inside and live it outside, we have to begin to think in a more integral, higher way. The concept of globalization helps us do this. Economies and cultures are connected in a one world system where media, supply chain, retail etc. are all trying to get integrated. We also see trends where revolutions are not done in isolation. The pattern emerging is that the individual person must first find a shift inside the self, to believe in something new, then align this inner understanding to a group for action to manifest. The movement of non-governmental organizations or NGOs (where the Philippines is recorded to have the highest number of NGOs in the region) reflects this major trend of collectively coming together for a higher cause, finding roots in our cultural value of the “bayanihan” (or cooperative) spirit. These NGOs come together to act according to the vision that unites the members. While the NGO movement may have started it, this spirit, and yes, this new collective and integral mindset now permeates organizations in businesses, associations, social enterprise groups, charitable institutions and religious groups (although this latter group has always had the guiding focus from doctrine and faith).

What is interesting to point out with this trend is that while it is becoming more obvious now, this is really such an old wisdom. Ancient societies and the indigenous peoples through time have always viewed the planet as sacred, and the community central to their survival and wellbeing. Today, we are awakening to the old teachings of ancient times, this perennial wisdom. We are all trying to bring back compassion, care for the global community and for the earth through lifestyles that are sustainable. This seeming abstract concept of “Universal Love” is actually our self-healing and the process of embracing ourselves then sharing this healed part of us with the community. By uniting one another, we fulfill one another.

It is heartening and inspiring to actually see this trend finding expression in group activities that espouse volunteerism; poverty alleviation projects that involve education and skills training; value formation; and environmental care.

I sat through the annual conference of the League of Corporate Foundations (LCF), its seventh to date, which had as its main focus the need to integrate corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities into their business enterprises. The LCF is a membership organization composed of over 70 operating and grant-making corporate foundations and corporations seeking to provide business solutions to social and environmental problems in the Philippines. Focus has been on key areas of environment, education, health, entrepreneurship, and arts and culture.

While private companies are focused on making profit for themselves (as is the name of the game of business), there is a more humane way of doing so by integrating a long term, genuine and focused commitment to the community in which the business operates, rather than a one-time activity that benefits no one but the business itself. The more enlightened corporate groups have been very conscious and strategic making a shift from philanthropy (which is just plain dole out of funds to a charitable group or cause) to CSR. Why? Because it makes better business sense and is a win-win situation for all. Instead of just the tax deductions and good karmic vibes companies get from philanthropic donations, now CSR activities can bring companies many social benefits including profits, goodwill, enhance reputation, sustained communities and inner fulfillment of the company’s employees who go out to work on these CSR projects. The main message of the conference, aside from sharing the best CSR practices present in the Philippines today was to ingrain CSR into the business strategies of the company and integrated in the business process. The LCF even has the CSR Institute that is trying to institutionalize learning processes and systematically organize the sharing of information, experiences, best practices and lessons learned with existing CSR practitioners, the academe, students, business entities and SMEs, civil society organizations and the general public. Many other groups in the country work independently with this integral mindset, this Universal Love, this collaborative spirit: Gawad Kalinga, Habitat for Humanity, Hands on Manila, World Wildlife Organization, Rags to Riches, Gifts and Graces are some I can name and my list can go on. They continue to step up their quiet revolution to help fellow man, community, society and the planet. These organizations can do with more volunteers.

In reflection, each of us can make a choice in our answer to the following questions: Can we help to change the way the old game is played, where only self-interest and ego rules? Can we make clear choices for sustainable lifestyles and stand by values that are life enhancing and spirit deepening? Can we go beyond ourselves?

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