A wonder kid named Felicia

It is rare for an 11-year-old child to know for certain what she wants out of life. But for Felicia Paulina Apacible Medalla, who built her dreams at an early stage, a life filled with sweet victory and purpose has already begun.

A veteran of local and international junior golf competitions, Felicia is simply happiest when she is in the greens. This season alone brought her a landslide of victories.

At the Fuego Easter Challenge held in April, Felicia took the overall trophy for members as well as the junior division title.

She spent her 11th birthday competing at the Country Youth Classic in Bloomington, Illinois where she won second place at the Highland Park Golf Course in June. So focused was she that at the Junior Golf Association of Northern California tournaments this year, she won the following: champion of the San Francisco Junior Golf at Lincoln Park Golf Course on July 18 to 19; second placer of the Alameda Junior Golf at Chuck Corica Golf Course on July 25 to 26; champion of the San Leandro Junior Golf at The Marina Golf Course  on Aug. 9; second placer of the Fairfield Junior Golf at Randro Solano Golf Course on Aug. 13; second placer of the Fairfield Junior Golf at Paradise Valley Golf Course on Aug. 14; and third placer of the State Junior Golf Tournament at Arcade Creek Golf Course on Aug. 25.

Last Sept. 30, the Junior Golf School Season tournament held in Calatagan Golf Club in Batangas, Felicia was champion of the 11 and under girls division.

Felicia’s passion for golf, according to her parents Oscar and Lally Medalla, began when she was six years old. She went to the driving range with a classmate who was taking golf lessons. She hit some balls and when she came home, she eagerly told her parents that she wanted to take golf lessons just like her friend Nathan de Villa. They immediately signed her up for lessons, gave her a junior set of golf clubs, and she has never stopped playing since.

Up until she was seven, she had shelves filled with Barbie dolls. That time Felicia told her father, “Dad, please don’t buy me any more Barbie dolls, I need shelf space because I am going to fill them with golf trophies.” To date, Felicia has over a hundred golf trophies and is still counting.

Her father doesn’t play much golf and is more passionate about basketball. Her mom knows very little about golf, much less play the sport. Her passion for the game surprised them because it came from herself and not from any pressure or influence from her parents.

This determined youngster is a diligent worker who uses time wisely in order to attain her goals. After daily home school lessons with mom, she diligently practices her golf drills. One will find her either on the driving range or on the fairway any day of the week. She knows that nothing can prepare her better than regular, purposeful practice. Twice a week she undergoes training with her coach Carlito Villaroman.

Felicia’s mom, Lally, lovingly shares: “We agreed to try home schooling in 2005. We are strongly encouraged to home educate our children by our church, Christ Commission Fellowship. Investing our time in personally educating our children makes for stronger bonds and relationships between parents and children. It also helps guard the hearts and minds of the young ones against the influences of the world. For us, the bonus is that, because we can take school with us anywhere and all the time, it allows Felicia to play in any tournament she desires. As it is, we stay in the US almost three months of the year, June to August, so she can join various tournaments. Exposure to more tournaments builds confidence and sharpens her skills, too.”

How does she prepare herself before a tournament?

Prior to a tournament, she eats a good breakfast that has to include rice. When she competes abroad, her parents always bring rice and a rice cooker to make sure she gets her carbo load every day. Right before teeing off, she and her parents would go to a corner to say a prayer together. When her parents are not around, she calls them on the cellphone to get their blessing.

There are times when her parents are unable to accompany her on a daily basis and keep up with her numerous tournaments. But she is blessed with a loyal and supportive yaya, Rose Buenacosa, who also plays a big role in encouraging Felicia. She makes sure Felicia has all she needs when they play. Yaya Rose has been taking care of Felicia since she was six months old, is her constant companion and even caddies for her during international tournaments. Yaya Rose and Felicia also pray together before each round.

Another source of inspiration for Felicia is her only brother, 18-year-old Raju. They are very close and protective of each other. Raju speaks proudly of Felicia’s achievement. He is studying to be a lawyer someday and has already committed to managing his sister’s career and “taking 20 percent of her earnings.” Hahaha. Of course, Raju is just kidding!

Felicia’s parents raised her in a Christian home. She is also raised upon their family values of respect, humility, truthfulness and gratefulness. Her parents taught her what integrity means — being honest even when no one is looking. According to them this is very important in the game of golf as well as in life. So this is a trait their daughter takes very seriously.

Felicia is not just an excellent golfer but is artistically gifted as well. This is evidenced by her beautiful paintings and home-baked goodies. This thoughtful child loves to bake and please others with her artistic creations. Proudly her father shares, “She awed everyone last Sept. 28 when she designed and baked a special cake for the fifth birthday of her cousin Luizio all by herself. The cake had white butter icing, orange trimmings, store-bought toppings and colorful sprinkles. Surrounding the cake were 12 decorated cupcakes. Her chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal yummies, pineapple upside down and butter cakes are the biggest hits with family and friends.” Wisely, her parents gifted her with a set of mixers and baking tools which she often puts to good use. They also said that she has made money selling her goodies revealing Felicia’s entrepreneurial streak.

The fact that Felicia knows what she wants so early in life is a source of pride and joy for her parents.

Her dreams include going to Stanford University for college and being part of the Stanford Golf Team, playing in the LPGA, and from her earnings from the LPGA, to put up a school for streetchildren where they can learn about God through the bible.

 Her parents love that while Felicia has a good sense of purpose and has big dreams, she remains a child — so pure and full of heart.

(Would love to hear from you at miladayjewels@yahoo.com)

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