Are you a lightworker?

We live in interesting times. We all feel it. The energies of the period are intense, cathartic and transformative. I guess historians and social scientists can argue that each epoch, period or age does have a similar pattern of such intensity. My point, however, is that we are living in such a time now. The doctrines of religions and the spiritual disciplines demanded by our personal spiritual journeys all share the same essential message: Clean up and heal (turn away from sin and evil/detach from the ego); Shift consciousness (seek ye first the kingdom of God/ turn away or at least see the illusions of Maya); Know yourself (self-mastery/ seek the Divine within/enlightenment – the Zen’s satori, the Buddhist nirvana, the Christian’s Christ consciousness); Love (love your neighbor or enemy/compassionate love is the ultimate love/ We are One). These are just minimal examples of what we should actually be doing to become lightworkers. Ok...Saints, Boddhisatvas, Masters – however way you want to call them. The reason is that with the presence of energies that are intensely negative, evil, lower, closer to the mundane world, we must strive to be part of the positive, higher, more conscious energies so as to balance them.

Who is the Lightworker? Let me paint you a picture...and reflect if you fit into the qualities of what a Lightworker is. Imagine this average and ordinary man or woman. No spiritual giants here. But when you get to know them, you find they possess traits that all Masters through time have had. First, they are balanced. They are so balanced that you want to be with them. Have you met such people? People you just want to be with, walk with...because they do not judge you and they listen. When you speak, they listen with their whole being. They say things which are appropriate, born out of some inner wisdom from their heart experiences. I am not talking about intellectual discussions of knowledge or ministerial/pastoral sermons. Just old fashion wisdom-speak. Lightworkers never judge or make fun of anyone, as they fully understand that everyone is where they are, in their level or consciousness or state, and is undergoing their own soul lessons and destinies. Lightworkers have no drama about them, yet there is a radiance that you can feel, and yes an inner joy.

Lightworkers, a.k.a. "human beings working on themselves spiritually," are the major demand of this period we are in. People who can heal, lighten, brighten and lead or carry others through the "madness" of the times are really in demand. And this is no easy task, as they consciously keep working on themselves so they do not get submerged by the negative, lower energies of the world we experience today.

Lightworkers know intuitively of the presence of Light, Love, Goodness and Christ/God. It is about faith and connection to the numinous Divine. Because of this direct link they continue to keep with the higher spiritual world, they are slow to anger and are able to see the play of duality in our world and learn to navigate their souls through the dark. Many of us are still caught in the drama of our lives and in our conditioned existence where consciousness is held trapped and limited: relationships, material struggles to meet what the world defines as real, and identification to our small egos. This is the duality, this piece of darkness or illusion that we think is real. Lightworkers have learned to balance this and have found their centers. Because of this steadiness, they can stand firm, confident and sure of themselves but are never full of themselves. When they look at you with eyes of understanding and compassion, it is about you, no matter who you are, what you own, or where you are coming or going. Lightworkers’ lives are just like yours and mine...they may be off to the office, yet at the same time, send off loving prayers to people in need, working on projects to heal our earth, or keeping thoughts positive and emitting radiance to help balance the space they occupy in their daily lives.

Within each and everyone of us is that potential to be a Lightworker – a mastery of self waiting for completion to be a more Loving Being, to celebrate the ordinary as this is part of the Divine, to hold consciousness on an elevated level beyond the conditioned patterns of the past.

Here’s a phrase I picked up from a book that can actually be the Vision-Mission statement of the Lightworker. "I am that I am, and the divinity in me is going to make a difference on this planet. I feel the truth when I hear it and when I read it. Even my small efforts will create an energy that is larger than I can imagine, combined with others, to create peace on Earth."

Now tell me my dear reader, do you subscribe to this? Are you a Lightworker?

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