The mother of all grand balls

The country’s third Vienna Opera Ball, staged by the Johann Strauss Society, Mandarin Oriental, Manila and Austrian Airlines, was recently held in grand fashion at the Le Pavillion, Metropolitan Park in Roxas Boulevard. Manila’s version of the Austrian tradition gathers once a year luminaries from the world of arts, politics, business and entertainment. Vivacious Letty Syquia, wife of Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta Enrique Syquia, acted as overall chair of the event for the third time. She was ably supported by debonair Mandarin Oriental GM Helmut Gaisberger and a team of hardworking committee members.

The gala, touted as the mother of all grand balls, was highlighted by the presentation of eight lovely debutantes, who, together with their families, donated tidy sums of money to the event’s sole beneficiary, the Alay sa Kapwa Kilusang Pangkalusugan (AKAP). AKAP is a charitable organization devoted to providing hospice care services to the terminally ill. Waltzing their way to the dance floor to the tune of Johann Strauss’s Vienna Blood Waltz, the debutantes, looking like princesses in their white billowy gowns, were truly a sight to behold. They were Karen Michelle Bitanga, Dorothy How, Kathrina Sheena Marie Que, Ma. Cristina Rigor, Marie Josephine Rigor, Katrina Rigor, Jonina Tanchanco and Karl Porsha Tanjutco.

The Rigodon de Honor, a local version of the French minuet, was interpreted by members of the diplomatic and consular corps and prime movers of the business and civic communities. The night also featured world-class music from Austria and the Philippines. After the concert proper, guests were served a four-course dinner prepared by the award-winning culinary team of Mandarin Oriental, Manila.

Congratulations on a splendid ball! I can’t wait for the next one!
Alabang’s Best Business Hotel, Too!
Alabang’s The Bellevue Hotel has become the businessman’s preferred hotel. The Bellevue Hotel recently hosted The Wallace Business Forum, a friendly discussion designed to help CEOs of Philippine and multinational companies better understand the country’s economic, business and political environment.

The Bellevue Hotel GM Cyndy Tan-Jarabata says that though the hotel has been known as the social venue in the south, with events such as the Wallace Forum, business people have recognized the hotel as a choice venue for their business dealings. Apart from the hotel’s broadband internet connectivity, wireless Internet access, state-of-the-art audio-visual facilities and spacious meeting rooms, guests can also gain access to the hotel’s wireless Internet connection in key areas of the hotel.

The Wallace Business Forum at Bellevue was facilitated by economist Peter Wallace, while Sen. Ramon Magsaysay Jr. came as the guest speaker. Notable expats, CEOs and investors were in attendance in this very successful business dinner. They will undoubtedly come to The Bellevue again and again because of its reputation of uncompromising service and modern amenities.

See you at The Bellevue!
Advance birthday greetings to charming and articulate Stephanie Palma Gil, First Philippine Holdings chairman Oscar Lopez and Mandarin Oriental’s first lady Vina Gaisberger, April 19; Nancy Jacinto and Marilou Lovina, April 20; Jayelles Holdings (Phils.), Inc’s Bing del Rosario-Morelos, businessman Raffy Rufino, Philippine STAR’s Entertainment editor Ricky Lo and Marivic Rufino Buenaventura, April 21; Carlos Perez Rubio, April 23; Roger Wilson and Belle Litton, April 24.

Happy wedding anniversary to Celuch and Bonggoy Manahan, April 18. May you both have many many more to come.

So, how was your week?

(For comments and inquiries, please e-mail me at

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