Stressed out?

What triggers stress? Events, ideas, memories, emotions or failed expectations.

What are some of its symptoms? A pounding heart, increased perspiration, tight neck and shoulder muscles, anxiety and fear.

How can one prevent these symptoms of stress?

Here are some suggestions.

Exercise. A regular workout can release pent-up frustrations. It is a very constructive form of release. Sometimes all we need is to have something to throw our frustrations or our energies at. For me, exercise is the perfect activity. Thirty minutes of aerobics activity three to four times a week or everyday, if possible, is good. Walking, jogging, swimming, stair climbing or an aerobic class.

If 30 minutes is not possible because you are so busy, brief periods of exercise may be perfect for you. During any break from work, a walk around for 10 to 15 minutes or instead of the elevator, go up and down a few flights of the stairs.

Talk to someone, keep communicating. You don’t have to be alone when you are stressed out. One of the best ways to fight stress is to discuss how you feel with a friend or relative.

Talking to someone makes us realize we are not alone, and that eases our stress. For all you know, the other person might have a solution to your problem.

Now, if you can’t find someone to talk to, or if you find it difficult to do that, you may also write down your thoughts, your feelings about your situation. This is also a wonderful way of releasing what’s inside you.

I used to do this in my younger years. Every time I would feel bad about something, I would write down my feelings. Seeing my frustrations, my anger, my pain written down on a piece of paper would take the load off my chest.

When I would read it, sometimes I realized my problem wasn’t so big anymore. It’s like I looked at the situation from another point of view or perspective.

Writing cleared my head.

Pay attention to your diet and habits. A diet of wholesome, healthy foods can help stabilize your moods. Include vegetables, fruits and fiber to your diet. Don’t take too much coffee or sugar. Take it in moderation only. Never in excess.

Take time out to laugh and have fun. Laughter is one of the best stress remedies. Let the child in you come out.

Immerse yourself in a favorite hobby or activity. Instead of spending so much time on your problems, focus your energies somewhere else. I’m not saying not to address your problems, but you can’t do just that. You have to help yourself, too. Find any activity you like and do that. Drawing, painting, gardening, working with clay are good choices. Be creative.

Sometimes solutions to problems don’t come right away. You will not sit in one corner, feel sorry and just wait. Immerse yourself in something that will lift your spirits, that will bring out the good in you.

Focus on now. Take some time to think of what is causing your stress. Many of them come from thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

We can’t do anything about the past. That is that. We can learn from it and be better in the present. It’s all right to worry about the future, but we can’t focus on that alone. There are many things we need to do in our present. We can’t accomplish everything at one time.

Learn from your past. Plan for the future but don’t forget that we live in the present. There has to be balance. One day at a time. Do what you can today. It may be good, it may not be, but tomorrow is another day. See what it holds for you. Look forward to it and take it from there. Let us not be stuck in the past and too engrossed with the future, that we fail to see the beauty of the present. Live!

We can beat stress! It is up to us. Let us not allow it to take the better of us. Find out which works for you.

There is black and white, yes and no. If there is a problem, there will always be a solution.


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