Bride’s Brigade

Being in love is a wonderful feel-ing. Having a partner is truly romantic. Getting engaged is exciting! But preparing for your wedding is another thing. It is, in fact, a major thing!

I know bride-to-bes must be saying, "Tell me about it!" Well, let me just say that being stressed out by your preparations won’t help. You’ll just get zits all over your face and then you’ll feel bad and for what? There are some things you can control and some you just can’t even if you try your best. Yes, it can be frustrating. Don’t fret because not only will I help you choose the makeup you want, I’ll also throw in some tips to help you de-stress while preparing for your special day.

Gathering as much information as you can way before the wedding is important. Talk to your married friends and ask how they organized their wedding. But first things first – look for the wedding planner or calendar. Most bridal magazines will have this guide for you. Time management is the key to making your wedding preparation stress-free and fun!

Once you’ve decided on your wedding dress, it’s time to make another major decision – your makeup. Oftentimes your gown’s designer will suggest a makeup look that will complement your gown. Take note of that and really talk about it in detail with your designer. Keep in mind that your face will "make" the dress. So how your hair and makeup will look is extremely important. You’ll have photos as proofs of what I’m saying.

From bridal or beauty magazines, come up with your possible look. Then schedule an appointment with a makeup artist. Talk to your artist and show your makeup clippings. After explaining your preferences, ask your stylist’s opinion. Remember – this is your "trial makeup" session. It means that based on your discussion, you are testing the makeup artist’s technique in interpreting the look that will suit you.

Don’t be distressed if you don’t like the outcome. Schedule another appointment with a different artist. That’s all. You just have to find the one who will give you the best look you want. But make sure you have enough time to do another trial and inform the artist ahead of time when your wedding date is.

Makeup can only do so much. I believe that less is more so take good care of your face. Get enough rest. Have fun making your wedding day a truly memorable one. Remember that the good things for your skin are deep rhythmic breathing, water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, good sleep and a lot of laughter. If you’re planning to go to a dermatologist and have some procedures done like chemical peels, facials, or what have you, do so at least six months before your wedding day. Never try anything a week before that will give you allergic reactions or marks. A beauty tip from Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a US dermatologist: "For ‘wedding perfect skin,’ begin three days before: Eat salmon twice a day for glow. Drink eight to l0 glasses of water a day. Eat fruits, like cantaloupe and salads with dark leafy lettuce."

Don’t take breathing for granted. Breathing provides oxygen to your skin and makes it look alive and vibrant. So try to engage in any fun activity. These will help you de-stress; they’re your skin’s best friend. Yoga will help calm you down. Just try this for one minute. Uncross your arms and legs, let your chest rise gently and your shoulders drop back, then take six deep rhythmic breaths. Slowly inhale through your nose to a count of three, hold your breath for another three counts, then exhale very slowly, pushing the breath out slowly and forcibly as possible. This will then serve as your instant beautifier. Do it again – look in the mirror and see the difference. Now do this before you leave your hotel or house before you ride the bridal car.

Drink lots of water at least one and a half liters daily or more if you can. Lack of water means "unhappy" bodies inside and out. Headaches, constipation, lethargy and many other problems are caused by dehydration. And these show on our faces as poor complexion, frown-lines, spots, and "glow" deficiency.

As early as now, make sure you get at least seven hours of good sleep every night. This will help your body heal itself. Try to be in bed by 10 p.m. at least twice a week. Wrinkles do vanish when your mind and body are well rested. Your deep lines will soften, too.

Here are some looks I have created for different brides – the mestiza, the Chinese, the Filipina and the morena bride.

Just keep in mind that this is your day. The moment you step out from the bridal car, smile! You’re the star. Walk like you’re floating. Let everyone behold your beauty. You should modestly stand out in the crowd glowing, confident and most of all – breathtakingly beautiful.

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