Christmas Shopping 101

Natural born shoppers just love Christmas. It’s the time to hunt for the best bargains while enjoying every minute of it.

But for those who consider Christmas shopping stressful, here are some shop-worthy tips on how to make the most of your Christmas shopping the Fashion Persona way:
Give love on Christmas Day
Who wouldn’t want to open a gift or two or maybe even more on Christmas day? Gift buying is not about how much your gift is worth but how much thought you put in giving it. Make your loved ones, friends and your favorite charity feel special by doing so. Find out what their interests are, what they collect or what they need.

A few things to keep in mind when looking for a gift for someone: I tend to give gifts I personally enjoy. I consider it special when I receive gifts that I know mean something to others–it’s like making them receive a bit of themselves. It could be a girlfriend’s favorite lipstick or a loved one’s recent work (painting, hand-made card, accessories or a photograph) which to me is very special!
Make a list and check it twice
List the names of people you’re buying or making gifts for or what you’re donating for your favorite charity. It’s best to make a chart of names, budget and gift ideas or materials to be used for gift making for each. This way you avoid overspending or miss out on buying for someone. I don’t care if you have an elephant’s memory–write it down. With all the excitement, you might just forget! Use your hand-held computers, a print-out from Excel or the traditional pen and paper.
Go window-shopping
Make time to go window-shopping in the malls and street bazaars. It will be crazy to try to buy everyone a gift in a day. It will leave you stressed out and you might end up buying gifts that are not special just to get it over and done with. Doing so is also great for those who are clueless on what to give out as gifts, or to check on the availability of stocks of your gift ideas and which shops to go to. Take note of this; it will save you time and money when shopping for Christmas gifts. Check out lists of upcoming bazaars in the newspapers and magazines, too. Bazaars are usually held over the weekends so if you are strong-willed you probably could just window-shop on Saturday and buy the next day.
When to shop
I find it best to shop in the morning–you get bueno mano discounts, stocks are still neatly arranged in shops, sales people in general are more attentive because they want those early sales and parking is a breeze.

Mondays, Tuesdays and rainy days are also better to go shopping because there are less people in the malls and bazaars.
Nothing is engraved in stone
After all that trouble in window-shopping and making a list, don’t stress yourself out when the time comes to buy your gifts and they’re not available anymore. There is always that chance so make room for adjustments budget wise. Always have a back-up plan on other gift ideas.

Remember–shopping is not a chore; it’s an experience to be enjoyed.It’s an adventure wherein finding that one special gift warms your heart. You know it’s worth it and that your friends and loved ones will enjoy it.
Go Alone!
Believe me, this is one of the best advice for shoppers. To buy gifts for everyone and fit in to your budget is enough challenge as it is. Going around with someone who bugs you every time you want to go window-shopping or complains about your pace is the worst! Even shopping with girl friends can be difficult because you might squabble for the same item and guess what? It’s the last! Unless you’re with someone who totally enjoys the whole shopping hoopla, shopping alone is liberating and uplifting.
Haggle, haggle and haggle!
Whether you’re in Manila, Hong Kong or Shanghai, it’s the Christmas season that makes everyone feel generous. Bazaars and flea markets will usually give you discounts. Also watch out for special Christmas sales or discounts in the malls and other shops. The more bargains you get, the more money you save!
Chi-ching, chi-ching!
Bring lots of change when shopping; lower cash denominations are the easiest to break and less time is spent at the cashier. Also, when you haggle for less you won’t feel guilty handing over the exact change rather than having them change your money after going through your "I don’t have enough money" spiel.

If you’re using your credit card or debit cards, call ahead of time to check on your balance and make sure the magnetic strip is in good condition. Find out if the stores or bazaars accept your credit cards. It’s such a pain to line up for a long time at the cashier just to find out they don’t accept it.
Gear up!
Dress code is a must when shopping. It can make or break your shopping experience. Even if your list is thorough and your budget is intact, wearing the wrong outfit and accessories will leave you annoyed and uncomfortable, therefore making shopping a bummer.

• Wear comfortable footwear. Rubber soles are the best for some serious walking–trainers and rubber thongs are great!

• Choose lightweight bags in nylon or cotton. They are easy on your arms or shoulders and light enough to lug around. Bring minimal paraphernalia inside your bag and be sure the closures are well-secured. Remember that you’ll probably be carrying shopping bags along with it.

• Wear comfortable yet stylish outfits. You will bump into a lot of people you know because most of them will also in the hunt, so dress fabulously! You may feel like a dog but be sure not to look it! Natural fabrics such as a baby tee paired with your linen pants or a newly bought short-sleeved work shirt paired with your favorite denim skirt.
I shall return
Not even professional shoppers have a 100-percent batting average when shopping for other people, especially for gifts.

• Be sure to ask about the store’s return/exchange policy. Some stores and department stores might bend the rules during the holiday season.

• Keep all your receipts. Even armed with endless namedropping skills, without a receipt, the chances of returning the merchandise is very slim.

• Write the name of the salesperson who attended to you at the back of the receipt just in case you might have to exchange an item, knowing the salesperson will be helpful.
Wrap ’em up
Gifts that are wrapped are more special and more exciting!

• Ask about a shop or department store’s free gift wrapping. It’s a great way to save time and money. Offer to come back for the gifts but be cautious; sometimes gifts might be switched around or worse, get lost. Generally, reputable department stores and shops are safe.

• If you wrap gifts yourself, do so when you have shopped for everyone, just in case you decide to change your gifts or swap it around.

With loads of shopping tips, there is no stopping this shopaholic (move over bombers) from bazaars, malls and the holiday season!

See you in the malls!
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