New promise: How the 2023 Feast Conference will help you strengthen your faith, family life, finances

If you’re stuck in a rut right now when it comes to these aspects of your life—your faith, family life, finances, or maybe even all three—the “New Promise” Feast Conference is definitely for you!

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” So goes a quote by Maya Angelou, a well-known American poet and civil rights activist. It’s a good reminder for all of us who may be going through challenges in our lives right now, whether it’s personal trials or problems related to our family life, finances and faith journeys.

Maya Angelou’s quote actually makes me recall a post that I saw once on Brother Bo Sanchez’s Facebook page, from which this quote was taken: “All of us prepare our own lunch. If we don't like our jobs, if we don't like the state of our relationships, if we don't like what's happening to our spiritual lives—we have no one to blame but ourselves. Because God has given us free will.”

The lesson here? If we want to improve or strengthen any aspect of our lives, we need to pray and take action. As it says in yet another quote—a Tagalog one this time—”Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa.” We put our trust in God’s mercy, but we must also do what we can to improve every aspect of our lives.

This is why this year’s Feast Conference is an event that’s not to be missed.

The Feast Conference, formerly known as Kerygma Conference, was founded by lay preacher Bo Sanchez in 2007. Through the grace of God, it has been changing thousands of people’s lives.
Feast Conference

For 16 years, the Feast Conference has been a venue of overflowing inspiration and encouragement for thousands of people. Formerly known as “Kerygma Conference,” it was founded by lay preacher and best-selling author Bo Sanchez in 2007. Its mission: to bring people closer to God and to change lives for the better. The conference is also an avenue of blessings to the needy who are under the care of The Feast Mercy Ministries.

This year, Feast Conference 2023 is set to take place on November 24 to 26, Friday to Sunday, at the SMX Convention Center Manila in Pasay City. There are also other Feast Conferences scheduled for the Visayas, Mindanao, and North Luzon areas.

Thousands of participants are expected to gather together to grow not just in faith and ministry, but also in their family life, relationships, businesses, careers, and finances. With plenary sessions, Masterclasses, Special Classes, and FeastCon Panels covering a wide variety of topics, attendees will surely come away inspired, encouraged, and empowered to have a stronger faith, family life, and finances—among others.

The Feast Conference is a venue for inspiration, learning, fun, and fellowship.
Feast Conference

Counted among the plenary speakers are Bo Sanchez, journalist and author Bernadette Sembrano, sports influencer and motivational speaker Kat “The One-Armed Mamba” Tan, Sister Antoniana Maria and Sister Hosanna Immaculata from the Sisters of Life community in the U.S.

Listed below are just some of the topics that will be covered by different speakers, specifically to help participants when it comes to strengthening their faith, family life and finances:

  • What Was I Made For? Finding Your Voice and Purpose
  • Out of the Shadows: Healing Your Inner Wounds
  • How God Answers Prayers When It Seems Like He Doesn’t
  • Creating Healthy Boundaries
  • Communication between Parents and Children
  • How to Cope with Family Stress
  • Parenting with Purpose: Exploring Effective Parenting Styles
  • Unique: Raising Children with Special Needs
  • Multiple Income Streams: How I Built Money Machines—And How You Can Too
  • How Employment Can Make You Rich
  • Why Businesses Fail and How to Avoid It

I know the above topics are already a lot to consider—and these are not even all of them! You can actually find more on the Feast Conference website

Besides the plenary talks, Masterclasses, Special Classes and FeastCon Panels, participants will be able to connect with one another at venues like the Expo Hall and Feast Lounge. This is fantastic because you will really feel that you’re not alone in your journey towards having a stronger family life, faith and finances.

Just some of the thousands of happy participants from previous Feast Conferences.
Feast Conference

Of course, attending the Feast Conference alone will not be enough to ensure that your faith, family life, and finances will get better. As mentioned in the first part of this article, nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa. 

So I encourage everyone reading this to really decide to improve the different aspects of your life, learn from experts and “veterans” (like those speaking at the Feast Conference!), do the “work” that needs to be done, and surrender everything to God. After all, everything we have ultimately comes from Him, right?


Do you need any help or practical tips for growing in faith, family life and finances? Please feel free to connect with me on Instagram @tinasrodriguez or send me an e-mail via  

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