Celebrity life coach celebrates Women's Month with #WomanWithin

Filipino author Myke Celis.

MANILA, Philippines — Celebrity life coach Myke Celis celebrated feminism this Women’s Month with #WomanWithin, a campaign geared towards embracing the lessons learned from women and living them out.

"To be candid about it, each one of us has a ‘woman’ within. Whatever your biological sex or gender may be, there's at least one feminine trait that's innate to us all. And that makes everything even more beautiful," said Celis, who is the personal coach to a number of empowered women in the industry.

Celis said he always believes that some of the most important life lessons came from women who have great influences in everyone’s lives.

“#WomanWithin celebrates just that: to tap into those lessons and let others experience that side of you comfortably as you embrace your own femininity," he said.

"Some of the beautiful lessons we can learn from women are being nurturing, selflessness, appreciation for beauty, balancing career and family life and the list goes on. Every single day I will be posting a specific #WomanWithin lesson inside #bestmeever Self-Empowerment Community to celebrate all the empowered women out there who helped mold us into the person that we are now," he added.

He said that the true essence of his campaign is to see women support each other from the start.

"Some of my coachees (with permission to share) like Nira Macaspac, Maine Uy, Faye Detuyatu Kho, Benny Runas — all of which are highly successful women and key opinion leaders in their respective fields, are very much active in helping women become empowered within, whether in building their confidence and self-worth, their personal brand or putting up their own businesses. My heart is full seeing them give back to their own communities which have supported them from the start. That's the true essence of #WomanWithin,” he said.

"I hope to inspire others out there, men and women, who need to remember that by tapping into their own #WomanWithin, they can make a big difference in the lives of others in their own way," he added.

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