What do you think of former President Estrada's exposé on Sen. Villar's alleged involvement in stock manipulation?

R. Los Baños, Las Pinas City: He has been catching up with Villar in the ratings, and a little more mudslinging will speed it up. That’s all there is to it.

Rico Fabello, Parañaque City: No force in heaven and earth will make me believe in Erap again.

Look who’s talking

Erwin Espinoza, Pangasinan: Look who’s talking. Is Erap not a pardoned convicted plunderer? Is Erap not the ex-president who made a lot of ‘miracles’ with the SSS?

Lucas Madamba II, USA: It is intended to malign the credibility of a rival presidential candidate. Anyway, this is one of the dirty and negative things about RP politics. A presidential candidate can only attack another presidential candidate if and only if he has no flaws in his own record in public service. Otherwise, it can only be called mudslinging, which is part of our detrimental democracy. What our country needs is a progressive, not a detrimental democracy.

Bryan Arquillano, Metro Manila: Let’s try to look at the person making the allegation.

Pedro Alagano Sr., Vigan City: Erap’s exposé must be supported by hard evidence and he must file it in court against Villar. Otherwise, it would just be a mere Eraption: politically-motivated gossip or mudslinging.

Bernard Nillo, La Union: It seems to me that the demolition tandem of Enrile-Estrada against Sen. Villar is in full swing. Are these two gentlemen really clean?

Ric Vergara, Calamba: No comment as the source person, being an ex-convict, is no longer credible.

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: Believing that he’s No. 3 in the surveys, Erap and his handlers are hell-bent on dislodging Villar to become the challenger of Noynoy. His reputation on how to make it big in stock manipulations is worldwide knowledge. Tsk, tsk, tumatanda na nga!

C.B. Manalastas, Manila: If ex-con Erap has documentary evidence, why doesn’t he raise this in court? Hindi kaya ito “galit ng magnanakaw sa kapwa magnanakaw”?

Erap has joined the fray

Sammy Macana, Panabo, Metro Davao: Well, I doubt the timing of Erap’s accusation. Is he also joining the fray of mudslinging between Noynoy and Villar?

Ching Gaspar, Laoag City: If Erap’s exposé is even worse than the C-5 road controversy against Villar, as claimed by Sen. Enrile, then it is Villar’s duty to clear his name. I suspect that this exposé of Erap has a taint of vindictiveness. I still remember what Villar did in Congress. Win or lose, Erap wants a three-cornered fight. Don’t you think he prefers Noynoy to win rather than Gibo? So what else is new in Philippine politics? Election campaigns are nothing but trash. Instead of issues and platforms for governance, personal issues dominate. We lack political decency. Nakakatawa. Some act like kids, others lose their temper, while a few remain cool and collected. The rest are like ferocious lions.

Dr. Jose Balcanao, Benguet: Erap must stop the mudslinging of other presidentiables. What he is doing is unprofessional. He must concentrate on what he can do for our country if he is really sincere in serving our people. He must employ ethical ways to regain the confidence that people have lost in him.

Manny Cordeta, Marikina City: Here we go again. So Erap, probably alongside his “lieutenants”, has decided to join the fray: The mudslinging of the leading presidential contenders, left and right, almost non-stop ‘til the day of reckoning on May 10. These are pathetic and desperate moves of the presidentiables, save for Gibo who’d rather stick to a consistently high plane and decent level of campaigning. Gibo is focused on a meaty, substantial presentation of his plans and platforms and is seemingly unperturbed by those trend-setting or mind-conditioning commercialized surveys, which, I hope, are not orchestrated. Personally, I’ve never given much weight or emphasis to these statistical norms. We’re not about to witness a popularity contest, anyway.

The timing is suspect

Cris Rivera, Rizal: The exposé is a boomerang that former Pres. Erap has thrown against Sen. Villar, which definitely would recoil and do more harm than good to his own cause.

Deo Durante Camarines Sur: I have no knowledge about the stock exchange, but the way I see it, there must be some truth to the matter that forced Erap to expose it. However, as things go, others won’t believe Erap since it’s election season and his exposé will be reduced to a smear campaign against one of his opponents. He should have done it before election time. Erap should file charges against Villar if he is after the truth.

Ruben Viray, Antipolo City: Former Pres. Estrada’s move is very untimely. He’s now using dirty tricks against his opponents to probably improve his rating in the surveys at their expense. I believe it’s too late to make a desperate move at this time, since the elections are barely two weeks away. Mr. Estrada’s action is a waste of time and should not be taken seriously.

Leave this to Sen. Enrile

Ishmael Q. Calata, Parañaque City: If Sen. Enrile weren’t in the picture, it would be hard for me to believe the accusation. Well, we are in the final stages of election season, so we are hearing a lot of hidden truths dug up and plain accusations flying as brickbats and mud among our politicians, especially those running for office. I just wonder why all these accusations are not brought to court for resolution and closure? Why do these remain mouthed by candidates to destroy their opponents? And then, after the elections, these accusations vanish into thin air!

Germi Sison, Cabanatuan City: It is based only on hearsay. I wonder if Erap could stand in court to testify convincingly. It is Sen. Juan Enrile, being a lawyer of note and who knows better Villar’s alleged involvement in the stock manipulation, who is in a better position to charge Villar in court. Exposing this scam in public in the heat of the election period is purely political. On the other hand, Manny Villar has to answer the accusation in public, otherwise he must charge Erap and Enrile right away with libel. The exposé is no laughing matter. Either Villar or Erap and Enrile must put closure to this scandal; otherwise, none of them should be in public service much less run for responsible public office.

There may be some truth to it

Jim Veneracion, Naga City: Stock manipulation is an everyday occurrence among people in power, like politicians and businessmen. Erap crony Dichaves is an example.

Ella Arenas, Pangasinan: I think it’s true, given Villar’s string of lies that were recently uncovered. Of course, he won’t admit it, just like what he did in the PST, because he has to keep up his presidential image.

C.B. Fundales, Bulacan: It looks more like a manipulation of PSE rules. The exemption of Villar’s Vista Land from PSE lock-up regulations simply don’t seem ordinary.

Richard Decena, Quezon City: I think there’s truth to Sen. Villar’s involvement in stock manipulation sa dahilan na hindi po niya masagot ng maayos sa Senado ang C-5 controversy.

Dennis Acop, Baguio City: I think there is some truth to the exposé. First, if you have lived in the Philippines long enough, one of the lessons you will learn is that where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Examples are Erap’s ‘Juetengate’; Marcos’ ‘Jabidah’ massacre, which was exposed by then Sen. Benigno Aquino; Lacson’s complicity in the Dacer-Corbito murder case; Arroyo’s ‘Hello, Garci?’ and NBN-ZTE controversies, etc. Second, the exposé was Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile’s before it became Erap’s. It is a well-documented and serious accusation, which Enrile took pains to expose in a privilege speech on the Senate floor. Finally, even as the stock manipulation issue is yet to receive the attention it deserves from presidential candidate Villar, there are other similar controversial issues which Villar has been managing to avoid, like the C-5 conflict of interest case.

Ed Gulmatico, Bacolod City: This is one rare situation in which a convicted former president’s exposé on a rival candidate rings more true than the rival’s response. I believe the truthfulness of Erap’s exposé. Erap’s and Villar’s economic manipulators, er, advisers just change loyalties based on wherever the abundant political wind blows. We can only expect that some of Erap’s businessmen vultures, er, advisers switch loyalties to Villar and back to Erap again or vice-versa. Along with this interchanging loyalties, they brought with them skeletons in the closet with proper documents.

Been there, done that

Ernesto Oliquiano, Las Piñas City: As Mr. Perfecto Yasay Jr. said, Erap is the most credible person to make this exposé since he has been there before. I agree with him. Erap should know the ins and outs in the SEC and PSE and how these government agencies can be manipulated. I’m sure, he won’t make this allegation without some sort of evidence on his possession.

Gerii Calupitan, Muntinlupa City: “When two robbers meet, no introduction is needed,” goes the Zen Buddhist saying. It takes one to know one. Remember the BW stocks manipulation before Erap’s impeachment trial that culminated into Edsa 2? Siyempre pa, ‘pag ang isang galing na doon ay may nakasalubong na papunta pa lang, alam na niya ‘yun. Villar may be guilty as charged, but for now, it’s nothing more than a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The unrepentant convicted and pardoned plunderer is either running out of steam, showing early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease, hung over or endorsing a Noy-Bi tandem.

Ruel Bautista, Laguna: Estrada should know because he has done it, too. What, then, is his motive for exposing it?

Dennis Montealto, Mandaluyong City: Though belatedly, it takes one to know one. They may have been scratching each other’s back for so long a time now, and will only use spikes on each other when the proper time comes. Now, here comes the opportunity to stain each other’s name, reputation and honor in the name of political ambition.

Felix Ramento, USA: I have no reason not to believe Erap this time. He knows exactly from where he speaks.

Nony de Leon, Bulacan: Erap’s stock manipulation charge against Villar is credible. After all, Erap has also “been there, done that.”

A politically-motivated accusation

Leonard Villa, Batac City: It’s part of a demolition job perpetrated by dirty politicians. Perhaps Erap wants to dislodge Villar from the No. 2 position in poll surveys as he is aiming for No. 1.

Rey Onate, Palayan City: I see it as mere propaganda.

Joe Nacilla, Las Piñas City: Erap’s exposé is not only ill-timed, it also reeks of bad intentions and hidden agenda. Erap’s intention is to destroy the image of Sen. Villar without knowing that he is destroying the image of PSE, the most important factor in determining our economy. This is the result of allowing uneducated people to run for government positions. If the government cannot hire a janitor if he is not a college graduate and civil service-eligible, why allow a college dropout to run for president? There is really a need for Constitutional change through votes, which the oligarchy and Noynoy Aquino are bent on blocking because they are afraid of breaking up their monopoly on political power. It is clear that the fight for Constitutional change is a fight between the oligarchy versus the masses.

Lydia Reyes, Bataan: Another case of mudslinging. That’s politics, Philippine style. Mas matapang pumukol ang mas maraming bahong itinatago.

Ignacio Anacta, Metro Manila: When a witness exposes the crimes of a president, like what Ms. Clarissa Ocampo did before, it’s called pure bravery. But when a presidential candidate is exposing an alleged anomaly of another presidential candidate, it’s called malicious mudslinging, even if there is truth to the exposé!

Alexander Raquepo, Ilocos Sur: Estrada should formally file a case so that suspicions that this is politically motivated will be set aside.

Juan Deveraturda, Subic, Zambales: Why only now? Erap must have known about this alleged stock manipulation by Villar a long time ago. If Erap means well, he should have exposed this immediately after he learned about it. Because it’s election time and both of them are contenders for the same position, the intention is to destroy the image of Villar with the hope that Erap can gain political mileage and catch up with Villar’s rating in the surveys. It is even unfortunate because Erap has no moral authority to question another candidate’s integrity as he was himself convicted of a similar crime.

This is political vendetta

Jimmy Donton, Puerto Princesa City: Same old grudges; history speaks for itself. Former Speaker Villar forwarded the impeachment complaint against Erap to the Senate. Political vendetta is always the name of the game.

Luisito Vallo, Pangasinan: I call it a pure and simple case of political vendetta.

Mandy Rillon, Cabanatuan City: Erap is a sore loser and would revenge against Villar for his role in Erap’s impeachment. Villar is a tricky businessman and, yes, he can be involved in stock manipulation. Can you trust these two?

Regardless of Erap’s motive, we should look into this

Jesus Mendoza, Pangasinan: Erap’s exposé against Villar is ill-timed. But it does not diminish its truth or falsity, regardless of his motives.

Johann Lucas, Quezon City: I don’t care about the benefits of Erap’s exposé on Villar as long as the public ferrets out the truth. He’s just doing his part to inform the public of what is happening.

Villar must answer the allegation

C.B. Manalastas, Manila: If Erap’s allegations are false, Sen. Villar should come out and personally answer them instead of his lawyers.

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