March 21, 2004

The relationship of the moon, Saturn and Mercury is mixing up our environment with opposing needs. You may feel like explaining in detail how you are feeling but wind up acting like a kid on the playground in the process. What you learn is we are all fallible, and in that frailty is our most loveable quality – we need each other.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Passions heat up, not just for a person you love but for an activity that makes you feel complete. Couples: You are happier when you separate what a partner wants from what you want. Seek companions who give you confidence.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
In a quiet way, this day is thrilling. Change inner dialogues to reflect a higher self-esteem. Money spent on large items give you a rush. A hot flirtation begins to spice up your life. Rules are bent for you tonight.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Keep on your toes now. Others are evaluating your performance, even if all you’re doing is making dinner. The personality you bring to every task you do is part of the experience you offer to others. A Leo appreciates you the most.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Restlessness has its benefits, so don’t be discouraged by the need to move. Travel will bring you spiritual, as well as financial, benefits. Contact with a Scorpio or Aquarius opens you to new choices.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
A large part of you simply doesn’t care what people think about you, which is why you’re so attractive. Your nutritional needs have changed. Experiment with different kinds of foods, testing your body’s response.

You walk your talk this year! That’s how you wind up with fans and friends galore. Loved ones need commitments from you, but you’re more comfortable just seeing how things go. You’ll actually deliver more if you don’t make promises at all. You’ll go through a freedom phase in July, when you need plenty of it! Lucky love signs are Scorpio and Aquarius. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 53, 2, 19 and 10.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You do your best work when forced by circumstances to be resourceful. Say "yes" to dates, and ask people out. You’ll be free to go at your own pace. Avoid the pitfalls of gossip and complaining.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Just when you’re happiest with the status quo, it changes. You’ve got money in the proper perspective, so you’re luckier. Respecting the dollar without glorifying it will attract wealth. So will an alliance with a Capricorn.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. What happens this evening could be the start of an interesting romantic chapter. Do what you’ve been putting off. Workaholics re-evaluate the need for inner balance as well as worldly gains.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
A partner could blame you for what he or she is guilty of. Romance defies conventional logic – do what works for you. Sumptuous entertaining is worth the expense. You will receive multiple social benefits.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
You get much satisfaction from a job well done. Strenuous activities could actually relax you. Doing things with your children, especially sports or hobbies, will help bond the relationship. P.S. Grown children still need you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
You’re always the one who marches to your own beat. But you’ll be dealing with traditional folks today, and they have much to contribute. Your attention to customs will be appreciated by those who follow them closely.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You’ll get a window into how others live. Romantic friction culminates in a situation that you never thought you’d be in. Your world is expanding through personal contacts. Tonight features getting to know an artist.

There will be tests of will on Sunday, due largely to misunderstandings and the desperate need to be understood. But these gaps in communication don’t have to divide us. Use the information as a clue about what parts of relationships need work. Monday is about who has the power and who wants the power. The Capricorn moon is adept at pointing out that you practically need to be doing the job above you already before anyone will bump you up. Prove that you’re ready. Tuesday, the social scene warms up, and by St. Patrick’s Day on Wednesday, the party is definitely on. Romance seekers, beware: Like minds might be harbored in very dissimilar bodies. Try to ease up on the physical requirements so you can really enjoy what potential mates have to offer on an intellectual and spiritual level. Thursday, both the sun and moon are in Pisces. Relationships need healing. You may as well make moves to do that now, because anything you can wrap up before the new moon in Aries on Saturday will help pave the way for new seeds to drop into your life. Saturday also brings with it all the magic of the spring equinox, a time of total renewal.

Billy Crystal had another smashing turn as the host of the Academy Awards this year. It was his eighth time at the helm of the mega-awards show, and it takes a lot more than a snappy outfit to pull off a successful Oscars night. Pisces are highly attuned to all that is going around them, and Crystal cleverly uses this observational intensity to produce engaging and on-point comedy.

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