November 8, 2003

The full moon in Taurus on a Saturday night can be a very indulgent aspect. You won’t feel that you need permission to eat, drink, love and spend to your heart’s content. But even the simplest of pleasures allows you a fabulous time, so it just doesn’t pay to go overboard. A stroll outside is just as much fun as a party that costs thousands to throw.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Find the humor in family affairs, and that’s what fuels your creativity. If you feel yourself slipping into judgment mode, turn that energy inward – something’s bothering you. Once you face up to it, you’ll feel better.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Oh, those consuming thoughts about the one that got away – and is still running. Do the opposite of what you’re feeling to get this person to come back. When you’re not counting on anyone to make you happy, the game changes.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
The less you tell friends about your personal business, the better. You can get thrown off by someone’s tendency to exaggerate. Why should this one feel powerful at your expense? True strength doesn’t rely on external factors.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
You’re twice as smart about your personal life now as you were this time last week, and you make a choice this afternoon to prove it. Luck revolves around women who are happy to assist you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Envy teaches you what you want. Be grateful for friends who hold up a standard you’d like to live up to. By noon, you’ll find yourself in a quandary. Don’t be too proud to ask for advice.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 8).
Personality is your middle name – don’t think it goes unnoticed by the ones in charge of your paycheck. Fresh financial opportunities are plenty as you head toward the new year. Someone finds your quirky style irresistible next month and could ask for your hand in marriage. If there’s one time to slip into an industrious mode, it’s early May. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 39, 1, 50 and 37.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You have the right to be choosy; exercise it. Do the most you can to make a loved one laugh. It’s the best medicine for what ails your clan. Just remember, your relationship with people is more important than money.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Believe in your own intuitive genius. You’re the most qualified one to assemble a team for an exciting new project. Rely on a sexy, mysterious fire sign (that’s Leo, Sagittarius or Aries) to show you the way.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’ve been compromising for a few days, and now, it’s nice to finally get what you want without having to negotiate one lick. Singles: A fair-haired, athletic person is your next big romance. Inspiration is all around you tonight.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Pay no mind to that over-eager, me-first competitor who would really get your goat if you let him or her. You’ll make more money by going with the flow anyhow. Some things are just destined to be yours.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Carry out the plan – don’t switch your approach when you hit the rocky middle section. Tonight, it’s all about loving and being loved. But do keep romantic feelings out of financial situations, at least for now.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
An inclusive attitude helps you connect with everyone you should bond with. You’ll be surprised how certain people (Pisces, fellow Aquarius and Gemini) unexpectedly add to your life. Money comes to you in its own time.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
When you start taking your power seriously, your actions will be different. Don’t you know you can change the world? One altruistic move will start a ripple with far-reaching effects.

If you’re a social person, or would like to be more social, one way to attract new, interesting, fabulous friends is to put Aquarian qualities into your living room. Aquarius is not only the friendliest sign of the zodiac; it’s the sign that ensures something fun, unexpected and zany will happen! Here’s how to tap into Aquarius: 1) If you put out the orchids, Aquarius will come. This is an exotic, always surprising flower with many varieties, colors, shapes and sizes. But don’t water your orchids, or you’ll kill them. Orchids need to be misted. Put them in the bathroom with you while you’re showering instead. 2) Some people say the secret to keeping up lively conversation is to know a little about a variety of topics. But I say, it’s all about the right color of couch or couch accessories. Use bright-blue throw pillows or a bright-blue blanket to keep the good topics coming. You won’t be able to get your guests to shut up! 3) The old adage about dinner parties is that seven guests is the perfect number – and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that seven happens to be Aquarius’ magic number. Make sure your living room has room to seat seven very comfortably.

Tara Reid is just as well known for her party hopping as for her film roles, if not more. This year, she could take matters into her own hands and write a party-girl movie for herself. Scorpios are fierce competitors and will carve out their own way if the path isn’t laid right in front of them. Reid’s ambition should help her achieve the cinematic super-stardom that matches her notoriety.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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