September 4, 2003

If you’re stressed out this morning, you’ll feel more grounded in the afternoon. Getting a little emotional distance might be just what you need to do to solve the problem. After all, nobody makes good decisions in "freak out" mode. The Capricorn moon and Virgo sun are very practical. Quantify the gains you’d like in your life.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
The world sees you as a giver. It’s easy to forget to take care of yourself because people start making demands first thing in the morning. Smooth the sailing by starting the day with a little exercise and good nutrition.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Be nice to the artist in you today. Your talent will attract luck and money if you nurture it. The right tools cut your effort in half. Connections with a Cancer or Sagittarius will be good for your social life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
There’s a tendency to be overly brief today because you don’t have much time. Careful – brevity is not always the soul of wit. If people think you’re being rude, it actually takes longer for them to help you out.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
The power of numbers will be demonstrated. When you feel it’s just not happening on your own, round up a team of people. Groups progress together. Use your sense of smell to get more information in your personal life.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
It’s a good day for collecting stories, observations and statistics that people might find interesting. An impromptu speech is in your immediate future! Couples have different ideas about what is fun to do.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (September 4). I
t’s a year rich with pleasure. You may go on a well-deserved vacation this month and gain perspective that allows you to make time-saving and money-saving decisions through October. November brings a terrific relationship, but you must pay detailed attention to your partner’s needs. Your best signs for love are Sagittarius and Scorpio. Your lucky numbers are: 13, 26, 32, 19 and 35.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Keep striving for the top position, even though it’s more demanding than where you’re are. Humor is more persuasive than all the data at your disposal. Your job has stresses that make you feel like you’re alone in the universe.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
What made a relative rich could easily apply to you. Listen to family advice about a financial venture. Good manners equal good business. Follow the etiquette of the company you’re trying to schmooze.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’re in a funny mood and will swing to the extreme as a way of expressing your pent-up energy. Exaggeration isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Who wants a middle-of-the road friend, love or employee anyway?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Striking a balance is tricky, but if anyone can do it, you can. At work, flattery will get you everywhere. Don’t come down on either side of an argument. Instead, buy some time, and remain neutral.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Be unrelenting in your search for work that satisfies your soul. It’s a competitive day. This morning could have you feeling defeated. Don’t give up. You’ll start to hit your stride around noon.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Discover what needs changing, and fix it. Artists and entertainers get a lucky break through family ties. Get on the phone and the Internet, and tell everyone what you’re looking for.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Love is your issue to tackle today. Couples need to laugh together. Go on an adventure that’s sure to include a challenge. That means not the same old movie theater. Friends have good leads for single people.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before the layoffs that so many companies are experiencing would affect me. Now, they finally have. I lost my job of 15 years. My birthday is May 11, 1942. What now?"

Of course, you’ll find other work, though you are tempted to take as long a break as you can afford – a brilliant idea. Get back your lust for life by doing what you enjoy. Get a better attitude before you face the job market again. Your career is in a state of flux because you are used to working in a middle-management position and need to go higher to feel fulfilled. Ideally, you would work for yourself. You may take another full time position before this happens, though. The end of next year shows more entrepreneurial spirit coming out of you. As a Taurus with moon in Aries, I’m sure you’ve noticed that you have a very strong personality. Your ethics are in place, and when you observe someone else who is not as moral as you, your judgment can be extremely harsh. I’ll remind you now that when you make up your mind to carry out your purposes, you will nearly always succeed.

Beyonce Knowles is the new It girl of the music industry, and this is only the beginning of her solo career. The former Destiny’s Child will be starring in a serious film role that takes her into iconic status, the way "Desperately Seeking Susan" affected Madonna’s career. Virgo artists often struggle longer to be known, but their careers last longer, too. Knowles’ rewards will be well worth the trials.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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