May 17, 2003

Under the Gemini moon, concentrate on what you can accomplish in the short run. This weekend is for diverting your attention away from the mundane and onto the charismatic. It seems everyone wants to entertain, so start getting your invites in order. Opt for conversations that don’t go very deep but leave your audience captivated.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Projects you do with loved ones build closeness – paint the bedroom, work in the garden, or wash the cars. There is always something to work on, and even I f it’s not your idea to begin with, you’ll handle the bulk of it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
You’ve been happy to accept what a partner gives – until now. You notice yourself expecting more. If you discover that someone is no longer up to your standards, weigh options before you p ass the final judgment.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Competition may be your primary motivator. Be careful to keep it lighthearted. Loved ones siblings and spouses don’t want the pressure of thinking you’re trying to beat them out in some way.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Make perfection your quest, and ignore jealous criticism from underachievers. Your accomplishments will go down in the records! Politics holds exciting possibilities. Such pursuits put your natural public ease to a good cause.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Give your spirit the same basics of nutrition and exercise that you give your body. This can be done through charity, love, communing with nature or enjoying art — to name a few. It doesn’t have to be serious.

You become the master of your time this year, an achievement that has far-reaching benefits. Most of the problems of years past are solved by simply not saying "yes" when you mean "no." charisma is key through June and will help you learn from all people. Your lucky numbers are: 34, 21, 39, 54 and 19.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Dreams and ambitions are hot _ but reality is where it’s at. Go for comfort and practicality in all your important decisions, and your natural style comes shining through. This approach is easier on your budget, too.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Projects started this afternoon will endure if you put your all into it. This is also a good time to secure loans, ask for raises, buy or sell. Arrange future dates by phone, but don’t be too quick to say "yes" to last-minute invitations.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Blaming anyone else for delays is a waste of your valuable time. Even when others are messing around, if you stay focused on the job at hand, you’ll reap the benefits of your terrific work ethic.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Your warmth, finesse and charm earn you rapport with friends that few are privileged enough to have. But you don’t go around patting yourself on the back, since you’re too busy trying to do something admirable.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
You are happiest making the choices and living with the consequences of your actions, rather than relying on others, no matter how knowledgeable. Your personal reputation wields more clout than your financial status.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Popularity is boosted, precisely because you don’t care. Avoid all blunt criticism at home. The positive must be emphasized first. You’re building trust in a relationship, and this takes consistent actions over time.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Endorsed by the powers that be, you feel right with the world. Put team responsibilities before play, or you’ll hear all about it on Monday! Extra responsibilities you shoulder show you the meaning of responsibility.

"My husband is an Aquarius, and his business partner is a Scorpio. For the first three years, their business was going well. Then, the Scorpio started stealing from the company, bouncing checks, lying about when the money was coming in, and sending my husband on a wild goose chase to replace what was stolen. I have tried to support my husband, but my patience is wearing thin. Can you see an end to this financial mess? I’m a Gemini who doesn’t want to file bankruptcy. I get disability, and I’m stretching it as far as I can."

Aquarius people are idealistic idea folks who sometimes just don’t see the bad in people. You’ll have the strong one, figuring out a way to dissolve the business so your husband and the Scorpio can part ways. But your husband is not 100 percent blameless in the situation, and I believe it would be wrong to file bankruptcy. Take the lesson, and start new. There’s no time to spare, so don’t waste energy pointing fingers and laying the victim. Anew venture with a Taurus or Virgo would be a moneymaker. Your job in this is to help find customers.

Beautiful Andie MacDowell is a multi-hyphenated Taurus: Supermodel-actress-mom among other titles. I predict she’ll add "producer" to that list this year when she gets fed up with the roles available to her and decides to do something about it. She could option a book or commission a script, giving a young writer a chance to make her mark. Taurean actresses are attracted to salt-of-the earth roles.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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