April 28, 2003

Two distinct tones have sway. Virgo’s influence is focused on the task of starting the workweek off in the most independent and organized way. Then, just when the headstrong Aries sun is certain there’s no better way to get things done than to do them solo, the moon shifts into the partnership sign of Libra. Appreciate others.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. You’re about to embark on a service mission for which there will be no apparent benefits to you for most of the work you’ll do. If your attitude is pleasant, this act of submission will add up to something truly positive.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
A wave of uncharacteristic impatience may come over you this afternoon. This is due to Mercury helping your brain process information at high speeds – so you’ll have to try your best not to interrupt a slow speaker.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
An auxiliary shot of charisma is yours to play with today. When you think no one is watching, everyone is – so keep it on the up and up. Organize your comments before your tell them to the boss, even in a casual setting.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Friends who live life in an overly precious manner could push you to kick, scream and rebel. Your point of view is valid, so take the world by the horns. You’ll teach something in your voracious approach and have a big effect.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
There are twists and turns in the plot that could make you a different person entirely by the end of today. The most you can demand of yourself is to stay aware, even if no one else around is. You’ll be in a marvelous mood tonight.

You are lucky this year when you get passionately involved and stick with it. A touch of glamour has you turning heads all this month and next. By June, you could settle in with one fantastic sweetie and get serious fast. What you write makes a real difference in July. Career progress is brilliant all through the fall. Your lucky numbers are: 17, 29, 39, 5 and 8.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
This will be a hectic day. You’re not known for your positive take on life, but today, skepticism gets old, even for you. While certain people need to improve on certain aspects of their life, but it’s too much effort to tell them now.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Apply yourself to winning, and you will do it. Your influence is strong, so it’s easy to get others to play along. You might also take advantage of your position by pulling a Tom-Sawyer-painting-the-fence type of prank.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Enjoy new kinds of friendship with a wider circle of people whose lives are quite different from your own. Your take on the world will enlighten these cosmopolitan types. A loved one wants more time together.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
There’s a deficit of good examples in your midst, but you’ll find them if you look. Someone following a dream will inspire you to do the same. Just when you think you’re going to burn out, you make a breakthrough.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
You learn quickly under these skies, which favorably affect the way you absorb information. Not everyone in your sphere is as dedicated and hard working as you are. You’ll feel the need to lay down the law.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Think you should be doing something else with your life? Make the hard changes now. If you wait, you may become defined by what you neglected to change. Taking control of your destiny is something only you can do.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Put off work so you can relax – you’re no good to yourself or anyone if you are so tensed up that you snap and bark instead of being gracious. A very lucky thing to do today is take in the view from on top of a tall building.

"I have recently been promoted at work. Along with the promotion came a rash of ugly rumors as to why I was given the new position. The person responsible for arranging the promotion may also be the one responsible for some of the talk. I have always trusted him, but now, I’m not sure that I can anymore. I am an Aquarian born in 1962; he is an Aries born in 1948. Can I trust him? What lies in the future for me?"

His Aries energy makes him go in many different directions at once, not a desirable trait for a manager. The name of the game here is underlying motives. He is trying to allay other people’s fears about being laid off or passed over for a promotion again. He is doing this at a high cost though: a loss of your respect. Use your Aquarian ingenuity to determine whether his behavior was a momentary lapse in judgment or a personality trait. You shouldn’t trust him until he proves himself trustworthy again. If the situation is making you that uncomfortable, it may be best to test the waters elsewhere. You would do well starting a small business on your own.

I predict that Claire Danes will be one of the top movie stars after winning a major award in 2005. Right now, this Aries could cause an industry stir by thinking far outside the norm for career moves. Taking work that is highly artistic – modeling for an avant-garde designer or taking a far-out role in a controversial music video – but doesn’t pay great is one way she could set herself up for future wealth.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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