ARIES (March 21-April 19). Find a spotlight, and bask in it. Get involved with others who share your creative interests. Changes in your personal environment from moving to redecorating can be adjusted to more easily today, so go for it!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Home and family are the support system you can depend upon now. Your efforts are truly appreciated, especially by people older than you. Keep expectations high; consider a source of income close to home.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). A special wish comes true. It may seem an unlikely role, but youre the peacekeeper at all gatherings now the only one who can get along with everyone there! If rejection is the worst that could happen, youre sitting pretty.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your romantic life is moving at full throttle. Watch for a chance for exotic romance with a newcomer. A relationship in the beginning stages deserves more time and attention. Keep a smile on your face and love in your heart.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You expect the most from yourself and raise the level of performance for everyone. Avoid putting a love one on the defensive. Take some time off (even a few moments of deep breathing will do) to consider your options.
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 13). You get the glory this year by being able to react quickly to your environment, making the most of good luck when it knocks at your door. The next three weeks, you sparkle with winning personality and attract love. There is also a chance to make amends and even a second opportunity for true love with an ex. Your best signs for love are Libra and Leo. Your lucky numbers are: 25, 31, 19, 7 and 18.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Something that starts off as a chore can turn out to be fun. The obstacles you have already surmounted in life make current problems easy to conquer. Youll find one person to love and spend free time exploring this relationship.
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23). Its not easy, but youre getting ahead despite extra financial responsibilities and unexpected expenses. Stick with the plan. Faith in loved one sis important to your peace of mind; let people do for themselves.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Speculate and research different programs of action, but dont sign until you know all about the fine print. Old friends provide new contacts. Any confrontation that arises tonight is the reflection of an attitude that needs changing.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You will be very satisfied with your choices, regardless of what they are. Loved ones are truthful about their intentions, though it seems unbelievable now. Singles could find themselves blinded by a sparkling romance.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Change is your friend. You are transforming in ways you never thought you could. Paint the door red, your color of attraction, to get the positive energy flowing at home. Do the same at the office for greater support there.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). High spirits and good judgment are your astro-gifts. You could employ methods, like hypnotherapy or aromatherapy, others would consider far-out in order to break through mental pressures! Impulsive love makes a play for you.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Theres no such thing as perfection oat work now. The project is done when you can work on it no more. Secondhand shopping is favored youll find a treasure. Calm down tonight. Utter relaxation washes cares away.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: The bad news it, it may seem that business is just inching along. Mercury is now exploring Taurus, and day-to-day progress happens in a plodding, grudging, laborious manner. The good news is, hey, at least theres progress. Conversations do seem to move the action forward. Letters get to their destination, and the general feeling is that things are moving. At the end of the month, Mercury will be back to his old retrograde tricks, so this is a good time to celebrate when things go right. The Gemini moon gives the top of the week a friendly, breezy feel. The individuals who were playing the heavy last week now seem to get with the program, letting those burdens drop for a little while. Wednesday features an arrangement of Pluto and the sun that could bring about a moth-attracted-to-the-fire type scenario. As long as you can keep dangerous/passionate/entertaining people and situations at a distance, youll get quite a rush without being consumed by the flames. Thursday brings its own challenge involving Mercury and Jupiter. If you say you want more, youll get much more. Be specific, or you might have to invest in storage space.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Leeza Gibbons could run into a juicy story while working on a TV magazine show. She and other Aries know a bright idea when they see it next month, and Gibbons could get an exclusive position in one of the hottest celebrity-intrigue situations of this year. Gibbons was born under three Aries luminaries, so her tenacity knows no bounds with genuine selflessness and charm from her Aquarius moon.
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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson