March 25, 2003

Mercury and Jupiter shake hands, agreeing optimism is the very form of faith that will move mountains. Don’t assume you know what people are thinking – appearances will deceive. But if you keep believing the best of others, they’ll deliver. The Capricorn moon brings an almost painful awareness and ownership of our responsibilities.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Singles are in a mood for love and will be open to exploring relationships that yesterday seemed like a bad idea. In fat, they may still be a bad idea, but there’s a willingness to learn more before making that call.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Though the relationship won’t be as close as you’d like, knowing someone who knows everyone could help you get a better job, sell your house, find the equipment you want and so on. Greet the world with a friendly smile.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
You’ll see a great example of the 80/20 rule in the workplace today – that 20 percent of the people are responsible for 80 percent of the results. You’ll want to be among the top achievers and can do it today.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
You’re turned off by the ordinary but uncomfortable being too dramatic at the same time. Seek out terrific people with all the panache you know you’re capable of, and then, observe what makes them so un-self-conscious.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Pursue offbeat, even wacky, creative ideas to direct more recognition to your name and your work. You make entertaining look easy! Go on and impress the group with one of your 20-minute recipes.

This is a year when you’ll see new possibilities, follow a different path and totally do it your way. Creating healthy relationships is the best use of your time and energy in April. New friends figure prominently in the success picture. Get backing for creative projects in July when the powers that be will back your enterprises. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 24, 19, 39 and 12.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
A relationship that waffles between high enthusiasm and low probability of success will hit a tipping point today _ it’s clear which way you should go. New couples: What could be more romantic than hanging out on the porch?

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
The social groove is something you set and others follows. That’s why when you make a blush-worthy blunder, having a sense of humor makes it all OK. Dance, hula hoop, crunch your abs – work out a week’s worth of tension.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
The flurry of activity around you provides energy and drains it, too. The personal impact on you is understandable. Feeling out of touch is to be expected, but breathing fresh air or watching a hummingbirds puts you back on track.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
An all-out information hunt has favorable results now – it’s not how hard you work but what you know. You stop worrying when you treat the investment world as a grand game. Financial luck is better with Aquarian assistance.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Though sweeties often help you along your path, they’ve distracted you from your goal just as often lately. Give some serious attention to why this might be true and how you can have better balance in the future.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
When you’re in the frame of mind to be serious, you just are. Friends might be thrown by your demeanor at first, which leads you to ask the rhetorical question – are you the only one not allowed to have moods?

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Your production level soars, right along with your morale. There’s simply nothing better than new love for lifting your optimism on almost every subject imaginable. A faraway friend could move into your neighborhood.

"I just got dumped again! What is going on here? My date of birth is Dec. 12, 1975. Is there any hope?"

Your Aries moon makes you a little naïve when it comes to reading other people’s emotions, especially if you’ve got a personal investment in how you’d like them to feel. You need to work on reading the signs – both good and bad – earlier on. If you review this last relationship in your head (after your defensiveness dies down), you’ll be able to see how you could have played it differently. Use your little relationship review as an exercise, not an opportunity to blame yourself. When you see the situation in all honesty, it was your choice of mate that was the biggest mistake, but you’ve still got much to learn by studying the interaction, too. The most important thing to remember is that past luck in love has nothing to do with future luck in love in your case. The Sagittarian influences in your chart say that you’ll be particularly compatible with someone who comes from a different socioeconomic or cultural background. You are likely to meet a sweetie during your travels this May and could move to be with this person as early as next year.

Eddie Murphy is a native Aries who has the infectious, giddy excitement of a young child. It’s an Aries talent to bring up the energy on any movie set, at cocktail parties and at awards shows, too! Murphy has a Cancer moon, so he refuels by spending a lot of time at home. This is why he’ll add some new features to his mansion estate this year (possibly a roller coaster).

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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