March 09, 2003

Pisces vibes are strong and getting stronger. Sweeties feel they can almost read one another’s minds – and expect big things based on this supposed ability. A little solar/lunar conflict could have you ready to go to the mat with an internal struggle. Either the heart or the head is going to win, because neither is in the mood to cooperate.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. The best of what a loved one has to offer might somehow fall short of your expectations – which is a real opportunity for growth in the relationship. See what happens when you give love when you feel like giving criticism.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Family members have many wonderful opinions (none of which you’ll care the least bit about today, since it’s all about doing your own thing)! You’ll have to pardon others when they get miffed.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
You’ll learn much from reading and listening to charismatic speakers. But it’s what you actually apply to your life on a daily basis that makes a difference. Initiate a good habit, as what you do today has sticking power.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
You are a river to your people. It seems that whatever need or wish someone you love dreams up, you’re there with the exact right thing for the moment. Tonight, you’ll want to be taken care of, too. Forgive someone for a past wrong.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You’ll have a hard time letting go of what’s beyond your control today, since you believe that almost nothing truly falls into that category. Don’t discount the power of prayer. Address financial issues with a partner later in the week.

Good fortune that comes down in the next three weeks has your name written all over it! Accept responsibility, and you’ll also be accepting more power on the job. Moving up comes with its own unique challenges, and you’ll need to make new friends who can help you face them. Cancer and Leo people really understand. Travel in October. Your lucky numbers are: 1, 4, 35, 19 and 25.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
It’s a day to breathe easy. Let nothing infringe on your leisure time, including people who seem to take up all the room’s air with their constant yapping. You need peace and quiet so you can focus on an organizational project.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
You can say what you need to say and still be nice. Others, however, aren’t as gracious as you. You might even wind up teaching etiquette and diplomacy to someone younger (or just more clueless).

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
If you can use your mind instead of your body to complete a project, you’ll be providing a much-needed workout to the former and much-needed rest to the latter. Tonight, there’s a very real possibility of love at first sight.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Bargain hunting brings treasures into your possession. If you’ve got children, they want to be a part of everything you do today, even the laundry. Your partner gets big points for being in tune to what you need tonight.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
There are a lot of things you could be today, including sparkling, witty and right. However, the one thing friends and family need you to be is simply: nice. With compassion, you win new friends and the respect of old ones.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Not usually one to have a narrow view of things, you might still get hung up on the details today. A few key words from the lips of someone you care about require further investigation. Truth seems to have many shades.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
An easygoing mood rules, and nothing can shake it! Wherever you go, you’ll make friends – especially if you share your inherent kookiness. Being the new person on the scene gives you an advantage.

The healing power of Pisces gains momentum as Uranus joins the sun and Mercury in this spiritual sign. The approach to problem solving that works best is one of a holistic nature. Instead of going straight to the heart of the issue, you’ll probably have more luck changing other things in your life and seeing if the happy vibes automatically heal your problem. For instance, overeating could be linked to being in the wrong job. A back problem could clear up with the resolution of a debt. And your love life might be healed by buying red sheets for the bedroom. Such fixes might seem off the wall normally, but with Venus smiling down from Aquarius, we’ll shrug our shoulders and ask, "Why not?" Thursday, all kinds of new options open up, but you’ll have to really look to see them. The little cloud over communication issues will lift on Friday – in fact, you could find yourself standing up in front of the group and being eloquent, funny and a real show stopper. The Leo moon loves to turn up the razzle-dazzle! This stint in the spotlight could land a wonderful weekend date. Singles get all swept up in love that seems bigger than life.

I believe that characters like Carrot Top, the persona created by Scott Thompson, have their own birthdays, independent of the performer’s birthday. Maybe Carrot Top is actually an Aquarius, while Thompson is a sensitive Pisces. Since comedy is often a combination of truth and pain, comedians show the best in human nature by turning their own tears into something that will make others laugh.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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