ARIES (March 21-April 19). Responsibility and how it is ferreted out are the question. Relationships are hanging in the balance. There is no need to get resentful if you have the guts to ask for what you want. You are super sexy tonight.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). High-octane enthusiasm catches on, and soon, everyone wants what you want or wants you to get it. Multiply your chances for success by pooling your resources. Join forces with others whose talents complement yours.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Help a friend in a crunch, no matter how busy you are. On the other hand, tell the one who cries "Wolf!" that youre going to have to stop responding. Pay close attention to what your partner is giving. The scope is amazing.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). When someone else can do it so much better, faster, cleaner and cheaper, where does that leave you? Back in the student position. Ask questions. If you admit that you dont know it all, youll be able to learn something.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Go somewhere you can honor your reverence for order an ultra-spare environment will allow you to think clearly about what you really want! Its a gold star day for purchasing new tools that will help you finish work faster.
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (February 20). Abundant riches are more than money can buy this year _ but youll manage to make some impressive purchases along the way. Romantic and sensitive, you have a lot of love to give and receive through the spring. A new diet or health program could give you a natural makeover in April. Best signs for love are Gemini and Libra. Your lucky numbers are: 13, 24, 22, 34 and 1.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Conflict at your workplace can still be worked out. Celebrate progress you need incentive to move forward. Keeping money in your account is tricky. Youll need so much over the next two weeks, and its all expensive.
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23). Matters f finance have your intellectual wheels turning. While youre dreaming up a new way to handle your dollars, stick to old-school methods of money management. Keep putting 10 percent aside, eve if it feels too tight.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A chance to celebrate good choices shouldnt be passed up. You could fall under the charms of a Capricorn or Virgo and find yourself doing something you werent planning on.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Winners today are the ones who can talk about problems, not walk away. Singles: Spend time with the same friends who have been loyal to you all these years suddenly, a romantic interest emerges from the crowd.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The price you pay for acting as an individual might seem steep now, but later, youll be glad when an unconventional move proves to be a solid investment. Until then, keep explaining, and try not to go into snob mode.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You crave relaxation, though this craving might be disguised as something else _ like the munchies or an escape fantasy. Slow down with a long bath or soothing music. Extraordinary love-at-first-sight attractions are featured.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Life happens for you on the sunny side of the street today, putting you in an all-around sassy mood. You instinctively make potential romantic partners feel confident enough to pursue you. Surprising offers come pouring in.
ASTROLOGICAL QUESTIONS: "Im an Aquarius born in 1967. Ive never been financially stable, which really concerns me since Im a single parent. Do you think this will ever change for me? Also, my relationship with my children can be really volatile, and I worry about how its changing since they are getting older and wilder. Any advice?
I see you are a strict parent who believes in teaching children to take care of themselves. Because of this, your children are independent, driven and self-reliant. They are also defiant, which makes the adolescent years frustrating, but in the end, they make you proud and will even take care of you in your senior years. As far as your money picture goes, you must be very aggressive in order to get the financial return you want. Stability isnt in your chart because you tend to make money in spurts a good idea and a careful plan could make you rich! Stop worrying, and start feeling comfortable in the knowledge that you have the brainpower to take your financial state to whatever level you want it to go. Truly when you decide something and take full responsibility for the decision, you can make it happen.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: The boyish charm of actor Chris KLein will continue to translate into box-office dollars this year, and he could get a role that will turn him into a household name. But activity involving Uranus in his chart foretells that hell get even more press from something he does spontaneously like improvise his segment f an award show or run off to Vegas and get married.
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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson