November 26, 2002

The Scorpio moon and sun bode for an election day that includes many more mail-in ballots than other years. Folks will be so secretive about whom they voted for that many couples won’t even tell each other. It’s likely a sex scandal of some sort will erupt just before the polls open. Scorpio loves a bit of tantalizing speculation.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. High productivity puts you on the A list. Through your initiative, whatever is still messed up can be resolved creatively. The success of others motivates you toward personal goals. Just like you, a Scorpio is looking for love.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Friends tempt you to stray from your original plan, but don’t. There are bigger things to come if you can just build some trust in your own good ideas. If you haven’t been using your talent at work, it starts to matter.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Today, your special flair gets noticed. Others will feel cheated unless you give your creative stamp to all you do. Giving from the heart makes a huge difference in someone else’s life. Following orders isn’t entirely satisfying.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. The money picture takes a turn for the better, so just hang in there. It’s time-consuming to co-operate with people who clearly are not as experienced as you, but tolerance leads to success.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You’re a star player when you stop resigning yourself to a back-seat position! Small, methodical steps create a sense of certainty that you can accomplish anything if you don’t give up. Submit proposals, and nail the job.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 26)
. This year brings about change – big time. This month, your finances are at a turning point. You turn fear into faith and are rewarded for managing your money well last year. January shows new long-term trends in connection with travel, communications and contracts. Love affairs are highlighted in April, late May and early June. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 9, 41, 43 and 26.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Teamwork has magical results, even if all your ideas don’t get used – that’s the point. New acquaintances are romantic possibilities. Be on guard, and recognize a bad relationship before you jump in.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
At work, you learn more when you go along with what others had in mind. Study someone many admire. Your feelings are obvious to everyone but the object of your affection. Come out with it!

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’re learning what you must to make a profit. Originality shines; make, build and write! What you promised earlier, you’ll honor tonight. A problem is solved by employing the help of a community group or asking an expert.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Flirtation puts you on Cloud Nine. Friends, relatives and colleagues all give the same advice – so it’s amusing when your unique handling works better! To your relief, appointments are canceled.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Make your own opportunities. Introduce yourself instead of waiting to be introduced – lucky meetings are of the unforgettable variety. Financial discussions with a Sagittarius tell you the next lucrative thing to invest in.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
The one you’re jealous of at work is teaching you something about a new direction. Expand your horizons through study or travel – singles meet their dream love while learning a different language.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Current restrictions are only temporary. Making demands upon a loved one will be a mistake. Accept what’s offered, and look for the good in it. When you are less about getting your way, others give in.

"I love my son (a Cancer), but he is exerting a tremendous strain on the family. He wants to run everything! His behavior is almost impossible to control. How can I better understand him?"

From the birth information you included (withheld from print by request), your sun has a moon in Virgo and Libra on the ascendant. The Cancerian side of his nature indicates he has a strong sense of family unity. He likes knowing he is a power did not come to this world to dominate others but to be powerful in his own right. He respects strength in authority figures, and he will test anyone’s strength to see how far he can go and get away with it. This means you have your work cut out for you not to let him push your emotional buttons – easier said than done. The direct approach is likely to be the best. Let him know that when he is older he can do things his own way. But also tell him in no uncertain terms that if he goes on acting as a tyrant, he will drive away the very love he is trying to attract.

Comedienne, actress, writer and superstar Whoopi Goldberg was born under the sign of sex appeal – Scorpio. Understanding human nature better than anyone is the talent of Scorpio natives, and this was evident in her character-filled one-woman show early in her career. Breaking down barriers between people has been part of her art for decades, and this is one Scorpio who takes her work seriously!

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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