October 27, 2002

The full moon can be extremely persuasive. It’s fun to hear that the one you’ve got a crush on has interest in you, too. There’s danger in doing whatever you want, though. Make sure to think of how an action will affect your future months from now. That’s the only way to get the perspective you need to make unselfish decisions.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Your inventive mind’s ablaze. Get more organized, or hire someone to help – deadlines cannot be met otherwise. You’ll be working on restructuring a relationship that is important to you. Talk with siblings on deep subjects.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
A striking romantic prospect enters the social scene, and sparks fly. If this one is as brainy as you, just wait for magical bliss. Take challenges seriously. Getting along with family may be the biggest challenge of all today.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
You are looking for love as big as yours, so don’t settle for someone who doesn’t treat you as you’d like. Your life is in order when the paperwork is in order. Land or real estate opportunities are profitable and easy to research today.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
There is no such thing as too much love, but a romance could be taking more energy than you’ve got. The benefits of doing your special project alone are obvious now. Singles find partners at sports events.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
A hot-sounding "gamble" may not be much of a risk at all. Give the fun activities as well as the intellectual ones the green light. Partners are in need of your support even if they’re too proud to ask.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (October 27).
This year, you’ll know what you want and will go for it. In the next four weeks, love takes a back seat to increased career demands and a sudden increase in wealth. Lucky love signs are Leo and Aquarius. March makes you feel like an infatuated teen, but love becomes more solid in June. Marriage is possible in August. Your lucky numbers are: 35, 27, 41, 47 and 43.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
The heart is a better judge of character than logic alone. Destiny is working for you. Buy clothes that have a little flash – you can carry it off. Singles meet loveable friends through organizations.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Someone doing what you want to do is a big inspiration – that is, if you can keep jealousy out of the picture. The one who ignores you has big problems. Heed signs. Stay away from toxic people.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
On the social scene, love and friendship take deeper root. A group endeavor with long-range goals is perfect for your fertile mind. Your intellect and sparkle keep suitors attentive. A Gemini points out an unexpected love interest.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.21).
A surprise invitation comes in the morning. Say yes, and the adventure begins. A relative has strong opinions worth ignoring. Regarding your health: You’ve been dragging your heels long enough – it’s time for action.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
The first step to getting more is realizing there’s enough success for all. Set a standard for relationships instead of waiting to see what life will bring you. Aim high. Some Cappies relocate.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
You’ll make someone feel a lot better with actions and not just kind words. New love is just around the corner, so start thinking about what you want out of a relationship and what you’re willing to give.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Reality, good or bad, starts with your imaginings. Persistent steps in the same direction (no matter how slow or small they may be) will take you anywhere you want to go. The things that matter most to you get your attention.

The full moon kicks off an intoxicating week. Matters of love are all encompassing and certainly less urgent than they seem. Therefore, do whatever it takes to get some perspective and distance. Impulses are strong but not necessarily for your best interest. Be cool, if you can. Monday morning, the Taurus moon helps you out by reconnecting you with a bit of cause/effect reality. Wednesday, the sun enters Scorpio, a transit that begins weeks of dealing with what has been under the surface all year – a powerful time of year to look at obstacles that have kept you from getting the love you want and need. Thursday, the Gemini moon lightens things up a bit. Chitchat and games accomplish more than serious discussion and meetings. Keep it upbeat, and you’ll be in tune with what’s going on around you. Friday, there’s a certain stillness that makes one almost afraid to take action. Indeed, think twice or three times before you make your move. The Cancer moon closes the week with a total reorganization attempt on the home front. If things aren’t comfortable there, you’re not comfortable anywhere else. Make your abode someplace you can totally be yourself.

Michael Crichton is a prolific writer whose books (like "Jurassic Park" and "The Lost World") often get plucked up for films and then deliver box-office success. Crichton’s chart not only has a Libra sun placement but several other Libran planets, pegging him as the consummate collaborator. Since film is likely the most collaborative art, Libra people work well despite its sometimes maddening complications!

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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