October 08, 2002

The Scorpio moon has a way of turning our attention to the things we haven’t given focus to for about a month. Underlying urges that are more reactive than proactive come into play. Under this lunar vibe, it’s vital to remember that you have control over everything you do, no matter how enticing it seems to relinquish it.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. First impressions are misleading to day; give a colleague a chance. Help a boss revise schedules and priorities. A love one’s point of view is illuminating. Shop around to be sure you are getting the most for your money.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
You at least twice as powerful as you think you are. Prove yourself in a fresh arena, and you win a small but loyal group of supporters. If you are not firm, a domineering person takes over.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
There is something greater at work than meets the eye. The only thing stopping you from making more money now is your belief that you don’t deserve it. Wedding bells are ringing; things could be cinched tonight.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. A tough job goes much more smoothly when you can laugh at yourself. Then, think of ways to make more money doing the projects you prefer. Tonight, the perfect situation arises for you to ask for what you need from a relationship.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You move others and inspired them to join your cause. Draw lines where you’ve been vague in the past. You don’t have time to waste on someone who isn’t serous about working with you or being with you.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (October 08).
You get amazing results from meeting with the power elite, starting now! Release a negative relationship in November; confidence and opportunities are magically reborn in December. Creativity thrives in January and February. Do research and make moves to improve financial security in May. Excitement that begins June continues through July. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 50, 6, 24 and33..

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Changes set you off balance, but you can recover. Set the record straight with someone who’s gotten the wrong idea. A wave of doubt about a current love will pass quickly – have faith that down deep we are all good.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Cleaning out your closet helps rid you of past guilt. Lay out your future plans. A Leo offers advice; investigate all of the possibilities carefully. Reach out to the one who is going through a dark time.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Ste up to the late when it comes to helping loved ones. Your opinions are highly valued. Co-workers appreciate your honesty and integrity, so don’t compromise when asked for advice. Change the pictures on your desk.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Your compassion breaks through the gloom and gives someone hope. You can help draw different kinds of people together – this is a lucky day to plan a gathering. Any decision made today is better than no decision.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
A partner wants you to take charge. You know what to do. The time is ripe to let go of an old, hurtful memory. Don’t let today be affected by yesterday’s events. Lucky attraction tip: Get rid of old sweatpants and ratty jeans.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Your boss has big plans, but you must ask to become part of them. Your enthusiasm will be recognized and carry you to the next level. For luck in love, mix up your everyday routine with a mid-afternoon walk.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Play by your own rules. Thinking outside the box can be extremely profitable. Listening to advice can be costly for you if it’s not coming from someone who really wants to help. Be intuitive about who is on your side.

"Now that I’m part of a couple (we got married last year), I find that I’d like to spend time with other couples – that way, I can spend time with my husband and socialize, too! But where do we meet other couples? It seems most of the people I meet at work are single. We are two Scorpios in love."

Everyone, regardless of sign, ahs been having trouble finding friends, and the problem seems most acute with young couples. The fact that you are both Scorpios – the sign that is considered one of the most self-reliant and reclusive of the zodiac – probably makes the situation more difficult. Since you are both of the same sign – and this is true of all partnerships with people of similar signs – you duplicate talents. Therefore, you can’t rely on the other person to bring diverse people into your life and vice versa. However, what this does do is make your choice of friends mutually suitable. You Scorpios find new friends usually connected with a hobby or a sport. Also, art plays an important role in your extracurricular life. Events or outings connected with artistic organizations would be a good place to start. Good luck!

Sarah Ferguson is a fair-minded Libra who, like most Libras, prizes harmony to the point of making concessions instead of making waves. She handles the ups and downs of royal life with a sense of humor, which makes her all the more appealing. Work as a spokeswoman continues to earn big money in to the new year as he likeability continues to rise.

If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to www.creators.com and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page atwww.creators.com

Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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