ARIES (March 21-April 19). A partner might make too many outrageous demands. Stop being pushed around, and stand up for your rights. An attractive individual really likes you but doesnt know how to express his or her feelings. Eat at a homey restaurant tonight.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Channel your physical energies into learning a new hobby or sport. You could hit it off with an intelligent Virgo whose dreams and goals match yours. Tonight features the answer to a personal question when you search your inner self.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Bring two sides of your nature together to achieve one goal instead of being at odds with yourself. A Libra understands and encourages you to speak your mind. Ask a child to help out more around the house, and it will happen.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The big picture is so much more important than the details you are worrying about. Competition at work can only sharpen your skills and heighten your concentration. An inheritance could suddenly become very important.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A career opportunity may require a change in your lifestyle. Your romantic partner will make a brilliant suggestion, so follow it. Youll reach a breakthrough on a creative endeavor if youre persistent today. Exercise to relieve afternoon stress.
TODAYS BIRTHDAY (March 13). This is a year when you say "yes" to yourself and everybody wins. Educational ventures can be positive life-changing forces within the next six months. Your career will skyrocket as a result. Love is thrilling, especially for singles who meet intriguing strangers within the next four weeks. Couples will articulate their needs better. Therefore, theyll be more satisfied. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 20, 34, 11 and 4.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Financial considerations may prompt you to seek additional income, but dont worry, it will actually be a blast. Gain knowledge from working with a seasoned veteran. Volunteer work may lead to a new friendship or romance.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Youll finally make tremendous progress in your career. Pay attention to what is going on in your love life instead of worrying about a friends problem. Experience counts when it comes to your social life. Youre hot on the scene.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Some of your co-workers may tease, but this merely reflects their affection for you. Friends will take you by surprise this evening. Effective communication skills could bring you important information that will help solve a puzzle.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Job growth and financial advancement can be a dream come true. Keep a commitment, even if others break theirs. Romantic competition puts you in high gear. A Cancer is in love with you. Give yourself credit for being so brilliant.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Dont lend money to people youve just met, no matter how innocent they may seem. Technological ideas need solid practical support to materialize. Youll soon understand everything that has been blocking your path to love.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Subordinates will respond to your financial incentives. You can explain yourself to others all you want, but knowing yourself is what really counts. Get out on the town tonight. You could be introduced to a new special friend.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you start over from scratch, youll get it right. Being financially organized will keep you from falling into the same old income-to-debt ratio. You might develop a crush on an enchanting Capricorn. Make sure he or she isnt a co-worker.
ASTROLOGICAL FEATURE: STAR SUPPORTERS OF 2002 (PART FIVE OF SIX): Who will help you get what youre looking for in the new year? Sagittarius: It may seem that success is a little more complicated right now than it actually is. If you can tune out the sound bytes people pitch in your direction along with all of the messages from the so-called experts youll be ahead of the game. What you need now is not more information but more faith in what you already know. Star supporters are people who encourage you to follow your own path. The best way they can do this is by setting an example for you. Cancer and Pisces are committed to their march to a different drummer. A Leo inspires you by competing with you. More importantly, he or she makes you challenge your own high standards. Capricorn: Everyone wants to help you. There are folks just hoping to hitch their star to your wagon and let you do all the work, too, so the trick is to weed out the supporters from the dead weights. Another Capricorn is a huge asset to your team. An Aries can hold his or her own with you, which helps you become even sharper. A Libra contributes fun to the journey, which is a hard concept for a driven Capricorn to grasp.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Ill say that Pisces actor Chris Klein will be an even greater moneymaker than some of the top stars today, like Tom Cruise. Not only does Klein have the boyish charm and fantastic looks of a superstar, but hes also got the chart for showbiz success. Virgos influence promises that hell always be committed to improving himself, and hell have a slow and steady rise to the top, which means he wont bum himself or his audience out quickly. Is marriage featured for him and Katie Holmes? No, not this year!
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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson