December 05, 2001

You are brave as ever and can rise to the challenges presented to you, so break new ground. Venus and the Sagittarius sun are focus on festivity and travel – the two go hand in hand. Put family members first; a benevolent Leo moon favors generous acts that will help you appreciate those who are closest to you. Invite your neighbors to sample your cooking.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. The only thing standing in your way is fear. Resolve to be courageous. Talk about your past achievements, and show off your abilities – the job of your dreams will be yours soon. Maintain harmony at home by letting the little things slide.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. You’ll find yourself in new surroundings. Ask a friend to set you up with a hot date; her or she will pull through. Romantic luck will be yours unexpectedly if you make bold moves. Your evening will be filled with dramatic revelations.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Express yourself brilliantly on paper this afternoon. Sign documents and mail letters. In matters of love, make up your mind slowly and carefully, as you rarely change your decisions. You’ll find a gold mine just as you decide to give up.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Your unique personality creates an aura around you that attracts the most interesting personalities into your realm. Keep reminding those who owe you money to pay up. People who can’t keep their word are under mixed-up influences.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Your perseverance finally pays off. What seemed like a catastrophe will bring about a sudden bonus. No matter how hot the office gossip gets, don’t believe a word of it. If you want to get rest tonight, concentrate on finishing your work.

. You have a lot to look forward to this year. You’ll check off a load of big accomplishments from your list. The respect of your peers will help you move forward with your career plans next month. Seek a new love potential in February – he or she may be your soul mate. Taurus and Capricorn are your lucky long-term love signs. Buy a new house in October. Your lucky numbers are: 34, 25, 33, 14 and 30.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. You and a close friend will share interesting stories and bond over them. Enjoy your popularity; use it to advance your goals and promote personal growth. You’ll get a cash bonus because your boss is afraid of losing you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. You’ll finally fulfill an obligation by mid-morning. Deliberate before taking action. Others will envy the things you take for granted. You know the way to someone’s heart, but you fear rejection right now. Take your time – love shouldn’t be rushed.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Since looks can be deceiving, don’t be too quick to make rash judgments. Your supervisor may turn the heat on this afternoon. You’d like your mate to be more responsible to your needs, but you are willing to do the same?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Congratulate a good friend, though you may be feeling a bit jealous. Let your envious feelings pass, but keep the friendship. Examine your old beliefs, and see how far you’ve come. A few more changes will put you in the money.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Delays will work to your advantage, so be patient. You might save the day. Keep telling yourself that you deserve the very best all the time! This will allow you start a wonderful romantic relationship with a potential soul mate.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Setbacks at work may trigger a breakthrough. Your romantic life will progress naturally if you don’t force it to go anywhere – avoid getting too close too fast. Singles: Dress up; your keen sense of style will attract a smart cutie.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
People who adore you will shower you with affection. Don’t just listen to your inner urges, change your attitude. You’ll get a chance to make a casual connection with a colleague that will help advance your career this afternoon.

"I’m a female Sagittarius born on Dec. 19, 1951. Does it matter where I live? Every since I moved to Los Angeles, life has been giving me one problem after another. Is this city bringing me bad luck? Give me some insight."

It does matter, and part of the reason why you might find Los Angeles so troubling to you is that it presents a challenge to the aspects in your birth chart, mostly having to do with Saturn, the planet of hard lessons. Did you know that cities have signs, just like people do? You hate the "image" factor that permeates the entertainment capital of the world – the tinsel phoniness. You are nothing if not outspoken and totally honest. You can definitely succeed in L.A., but it could take years, and you’re the restless type. My advice is that you move. Your whole psychology is of the New York type, and you can’t miss if you move there. In New York, your Sagittarian sun and Leo moon will dominate, guaranteeing you exciting jobs in banking, teaching or the entertainment or advertising industry. Mars (men) in Libra (la) tells me you could fall in love with an attorney – an athletic type your female friends will drool over!

Ray Romano plays a Sagittarius whom everyone loves. Although Sagittarians aren’t usually associated with being the strongest family role model, the difficulties his character endures is what "Everybody Loves Raymond" is all about. With his moon in Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn at the time of his birth, his resistance to being labeled or saddled with responsibility is something that his audience can relate to and laugh about. He will always be willing to take on the challenges presented to him.

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Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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