Horoscope - December 31, 2000

The Pisces moon rules our emotions during tonight’s festivities, making sure we give up our expectations and roll with whatever the evening brings. If you smooch after the countdown, be sure it’s with someone you truly care for, as midnight has a magnifying effect on both bad and good feelings. Dreams are rich with symbolism under this psychic moon.

(March 21-April 19). The new year deserves the most energy you can possibly muster, but don’t get too crazy. The robust year ahead demands immediate attention and high energy. A passionate Leo or Sagittarius makes a hot date.

(April 20-May 20). It’s a perfect time to acquit loved ones of past sins and start fresh. Don’t waste your talent by remaining a nameless face in the group. Utilize the best of your unique talents tonight. Your power color is pink; it attracts sexy love interests.

(May 21-June 21). A lucky guess could win you money. As hard as it is for you to part with people, you must move on. Festivities will be remembered for years to come (except the parts you will forget, which others will certainly remind you of!)

(June 22-July 22). Your love life is rich – savor it. Stir it up on the social scene by introducing new blood. You’ll help others have a more open mind about controversial subjects. Be sure to indulge on worthy causes; don’t waste your time.

(July 23-Aug. 22). You meet new friends and possibly a new love partner in the last moment of the year! Focus on the enjoyment of connecting in the present, and don’t worry about exchanging numbers. Let someone search for you; he or she misses you.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (December 31).
It’s a year when you know what you want, and you’ll go for it. In January, you will confidently conquer your career demands, and a sudden increase in wealth will result. By March, you will feel like an infatuated teen, but love becomes more solid in June. Your lucky love signs are Leo and Scorpio. Marriage is possible next December. Your lucky numbers are : 35, 37, 41, 47 and 53.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Tonight will live up to your expectations. Others flock to your side for party cues – you know how to let go. Meet unreasonable demands with humor. Family members are on their best behavior, and they deserve to be rewarded.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Put some challenging tasks on your list, and you’ll get through much more than imagined. In the process of commemorating last year, you’ll make New Year’s resolutions you can keep! Countdown smooching is a priority – plan it well.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll come into your power as the time for rebirth approaches. It’s fun for you to let creativity have full reign – right down to what you wear tonight. Your luckiest resolution: to offer better support for friends and family in the new year.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You hop from responsibility to an obligation. Take some time for yourself to discharge the past, and drum up some enthusiasm for the future. Crazy fun doesn’t have to happen within a crowd – staying home is just as festive!

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Stunning success will be the result of liberating yourself from whatever was holding you back last year. Why not go into the new year with a new image? Let go of preconceived notions, and the evening will be memorable. Dance!

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your organizational skills will help you sum up all the details that are better handled before the first of the year. All the activities on your schedule teem with friendly faces. Pull someone in who’s willing to enter your corner of the universe!

(Feb. 19-March 20). Romantic ideas are best grasped immediately. You make a breakthrough by changing the very thing you’ve been wanting to improve all year. The evening is filled with conversation and laughter. Later, you’ll act as the voice of reason!

The last moon of 2000 in the psychic sign of Pisces could inspire vivid dreams and predictions of the new year to come. Take advantage of the mystical strength of this moon by writing down a visualization of the upcoming year. In six months, if you return to the pages you wrote tonight, you’ll be surprised how many of your predictions have come true. Monday, the lunar transit into the station of rebirth, Aries, couldn’t be more fitting. There’s no excuse not to get a good head start on resolutions. Venus transits into Pisces Wednesday, when many a love encounter will go to the next level. Express your affectionate feelings to strengthen a romantic bond. The Taurus moon rules Thursday through Saturday, which will help reinforce others’ beliefs in their capabilities. The methodical steps taken Thursday and Friday give us a sense of stability and create the certainty that we can accomplish anything with consistent effort. Friday morning’s strident aspect involving Venus and Jupiter is an infusion of courage. Go for what you want instead of hanging back to observe. Introduce yourself to new people.

Val Kilmer is a Capricorn with the instinct to lead. Capricorn natives feel more comfortable holding their fate (and the fate of others) in their own hands, no matter what lengths they must go to in order to make this true. Also, if a Capricorn has a choice between a comfortable, safe path or a steep, rocky climb to the top, you can guess which one is chosen. Challenge and excitement are a small price to pay, according to Capricorn, for the reward of being king of the mountain. Kilmer could have a child in July.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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