Horoscope - Nov.1, 2000

It’s the most productive day of the week when the officious Capricorn moon, as well as an action-oriented square involving Mercury and Neptune, keeps us focused on the future and getting there as soon as possible. If you can dream it, you can do it, as long as you’re willing to break everything down into tiny steps and leave a large margin for error.

(March 21-April 19). Keep optimism alive and your vision true, even if others can’t see the bigger picture. Too many people want to be in charge – choose one leader. Relationships feel particularly challenging now with your finances committed elsewhere.

(April 20-May 20). Keep yourself organized, and you’ll go that extra mile. All the changes in your relationships lately are starting to improve your life; acknowledge your partner for the growth. Expand your brain by watching television or reading a book tonight.

(May 21-June 21). A renewed sense of optimism makes you very attractive. You have been grasping for control – don’t be afraid to ask for help. Resist the temptation to slack off. A long-distance romance may be developing.

(June 22-July 22). Your emotional harmony is strong. Tying up details from the past will take up most of the day, but your productivity ignites in the afternoon. It’s not enough to think of a plan, you have to write it down and make sure you follow through.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Why dwell on fear or limitations? At last, you have the clarity and freedom to initiate action – finish up old business first this afternoon. People come together quickly, and part ways just as easily. You and your mate are in a playful mood.

. This is a year when you cut through the restrictions and make your own rules. Check out self-employment possibilities. Education brings improvement on all levels in January and also helps you break down problems into bite-sized chunks. Everything seems to bring out your best in February; singles meet their lasting love, possibly a Taurus or Capricorn. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 45, 32, 28 and 2.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You are the center of someone’s world. Listen carefully to the signals you’re getting from a distance. Embrace a sudden change, and you can make it work for you. Purchase tickets, and make reservations before it’s too late.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). People are genuinely exited about your work. If you don’t take credit for the wonderful things you’ve done, someone else will. Let a suitor know how you feel to avoid trouble later. Friends in the right places can get it for you cheaper.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your appeal is on the upswing. Errands are a pleasure; you’ll meet nice people. It’s worth it to shop around and find the bargains. Important tasks can’t be rushed. Allow for error among associates and colleagues.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Financial setbacks end in good fortune if you are committed to your own success. Interpersonal skills make you a desirable co-worker. A superior has a crush on you. Paint the kitchen the color you’re always wanted.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You know how to motivate others – your phone won’t stop ringing. Distance puts a problem into perspective; now you can tackle it. It’s never too late to start investing! Reach out to one of your closest and dearest friends.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Execute a move before your competition thinks of it, too. Accept rational explanations. By changing your appearance, you will surprise those who thought they knew you well. A potential love turns out to be adventurous and fulfilling.

(Feb. 19-March 20). Seize an opportunity to expand your knowledge, even if you must pay for it. A pep talk from a friend gives you an unshakable confidence. Stay away from risky investments and tricky financial maneuvers. Stay on your toes tonight.

"I think something is wrong with me. I have no energy, but the doctor can’t find anything wrong. I have dreams of doing something with my life, but I can’t get motivated. Help! My birthday is Feb. 8, 1969."

Taking the first step toward a new lifestyle or long-term goal can be the hardest step of all. You are an Aquarius, with Mercury in Aquarius, as well, but Mercury at the time of your birth was traveling retrograde, internalizing some of your energy, perhaps inhibiting you from getting started. Your moon and Mars are both traveling through Scorpio, an intense and passionate combination. Both Aquarius and Scorpio are fixed signs, which make you feel more comfortable in the planning and visionary stage of a project. Venus is deposited in Aries with a positive aspect coming from Jupiter in Libra. This is a high-action combination if you love what you do. With Venus and jovial Jupiter at the helm, you will truly enjoy what you are doing while having an abundance of energy at your disposal. Use the imagination of Aquarius and the planning skills of Scorpio to figure out what you want, and your joy will make you a success.

Meg Ryan goes through personal changes this year just as many other Scorpio women born in 1962 will experience. New relationships of all kinds are sparking in the next two months – it’s not necessary to make decisions that affect your lifestyle, though your heart feels it’s in a hurry. With her sun, Mercury and Venus all deposited in the passionate sign of Scorpio, she may change her mind quickly, but her Virgo moon provides clear perspective in regard to those changes.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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