Horoscope - October 30 (Monday)

The Sagittarian moon is energetic, ambitious and open to new and exciting ways of getting the gold. With Mercury and the sun lined up in Scorpio, temptation is everywhere, but it’s an important day to walk to the straight and narrow. Venus in Sagittarius will give you courage and stamina to do what you’ve always said you would.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Today’s a high profile day, which helps you to get your message out effectively. Your electrify any situation you choose to be a part of. Show that you’re a good sport by accepting your position. Breaking tradition works to your advantage.

(April 20-May 20). Don’t take part in plans that sound too good to be true, they undoubtedly are. You will bump into an old mate. Hold your ground, moving too fast will salt old wounds. Whatever guilt you have from yesterday is gone.

(May 21-June 21). Present your facts and you’ll get immediate results. It is important to be objective in relationships. Loved ones tug on your heartstrings, but don’t loan anything out without thinking it over. Logic and literary ability serve you.

(June 22-July 22). Good business ethics keep the money coming. Coincidental meetings turn into new growth opportunities. Revive friendships by doing favors. Set guidelines for teens. A partner is attracted to your versatility and creativity.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Readjust your expectations, and hop on the road to happiness. A terrific chance for advancement is right and around corner. Couples need to explore tonight. Someone has hidden intentions at work; be ultra-aware to make up for this fact.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (October 30).
This is a profitable year if you follow through on your excellent ideas. Gemini and Libra know how to motivate you. Next month, learn and grow through listening closely (and following) a relative’s opinions. Singles meet hot romances by coincidence in January and May and could fall head over heels. Good signs for marriage are Aquarius and Leo. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 4, 5, 33 and 17.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Vary your routine and find love in the process. So what if you feel under-rehearsed or out of your league – don’t let fear stop you from putting yourself out there in a bold way. A secret liaison is exhilarating. Stay out of trouble tonight.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You are giving conflicting signals to someone dear – risk it and say what you really mean. Tedious jobs are nonetheless important. Take the time to do it right. Channel your frustrations into hobbies, sports and creative projects.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Solid work brings accolade from the boss. Put your personal life into perspective by talking with an expert. Don’t hesitate to explore a new possibility or hunch. Be firm with the ones you are responsible for.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When you keep an eye on practical budget matters, extra cash falls your way, too. You need justify your actions, and if you do, you’ll appear guilty! Employment chances get brighter every day. Keep an eye out for them.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Vague ideas become clear. This is the best time to make contacts and communicate your wishes! A heart-to-heart tonight can set everything right. There is nothing wrong with being nice to those who can do you some good.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Concerns are few if you keep a professional attitude in business dealings and an understanding attitude with family. Recognize a gifted child, and he/she will blossom under your guidance. Someone new wants to learn about your territory.

(Feb. 19-March 20). The airwaves burn up with the spirit of fun. Inspiration carries you across the finish line; seek stimulating partners and new ways to spend time. Make sure you absolutely know what you’re agreeing to when signing a contract.

"I’ve got stage fright, but I don’t even have to be on stage to experience it. Most times I’m just at a party or with a large group. Either I shake, drop things, drink too much or say something stupid. Will I ever get better? My birthday is June 30, 1949."

Feeling anxious in social situations is a common experience. Your sun travels in the same place as Uranus and just a short distance from Venus, and all three are under the influence of Cancer. You are extremely aware of your surroundings and the moods of others. Your Virgo moon is concerned with emotional security, something your Cancer sun is also seeking, while Venus in Cancer adds a touch of the romantic. Uranus conjuncts with your sun, making you somewhat of an eccentric, and therefore it is highly likely that the "stupid" things that you say are quite insightful and just not the norm in a party atmosphere. Try being the center of attention in your own turf. Cancers like to entertain in their own homes, after all, the crab carries his own domicile on his back. Before you brand yourself a "social misfit," throw a party of your own.

Wedding bells could ring this year for beautiful Scorpio Lauren Holly. Her sun, Mercury and Venus, all deposited in the sign of the Scorpion, show sex appeal that never dies. Her Pisces moon favorably aspects these mysterious Scorpio influences, bringing intuition that allows her to make brilliant decisions that on the outside seem illogical. She could meet and marry her perfect match all in the same week!

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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