Philippines files protest vs China over Ayungin Shoal water cannon incident

Philippine Navy's BRP Sierra Madre has been grounded on Second Thomas or Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea since 1999.
CSIS/AMTI via DigitalGlobe

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines lodged another diplomatic protest against China on Friday following an incident where the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) deployed water cannons during a resupply mission at Ayungin Shoal.

The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) said that the CCG fired water cannon at a boat carrying provisions to Filipino troops near Ayungin Shoal, also known as Second Thomas Shoal, in the Spratly Islands. 

NTF-WPS said that the CCG "recklessly harassed, blocked, executed dangerous maneuvers" as they tried to "illegally impede or obstruct a routine resupply" of Filipino troops at the outpost.

"CCG vessel 5203 deployed water cannon against Philippine supply vessel M/L Kalayaan in an illegal though unsuccessful attempt to force the latter to alter course," NTF-WPS said in a statement.

Several Filipino troops, which depend on resupply missions for survival, are positioned on the deteriorating BRP Sierra Madre, grounded by the Philippine Navy on the reef in 1999 to counter China's expansion in the region.

On October 22, a CCG vessel collided with an AFP-contracted boat also resupplying the BRP Sierra Madre. 

The Chinese Coast Guard meanwhile urged the Philippines to stop infringing on their “territorial sovereignty.”

“The China Coast Guard followed the Philippine ships in accordance with the law, took control measures, and made temporary special arrangements for the Philippines to transport food and other necessary daily supplies," China Coast Guard spokesman Gan Yu said.

Second Thomas Shoal, which is inside the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, is approximately 200 kilometers (124 miles) away from the of Palawan and over 1,000 kilometers from China's Hainan Island.

Despite the 2016 arbitral ruling in favor of the Philippines, China refuses to acknowledge Philippine sovereignty over the West Philippine Sea. — with reports from Agence France Presse

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