PNP seeks Interpol help in Teves manhunt

This photo shows Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. (Negros Oriental, 3rd District).
Facebook / Congressman A. Teves

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police (PNP) has sought the assistance of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) in the manhunt for expelled Negros Oriental congressman Arnolfo Teves Jr. after a Manila court issued a warrant of arrest against him.

The Manila Regional Trial Court Branch 15 has ordered the arrest of Teves and his co-accused in connection with the murder of governor Roel Degamo and nine others last March.

As Teves is hiding abroad, it is imperative that the PNP informs the Interpol of developments on Teves’ case, PNP Public Information Office chief Col. Jean Fajardo said.

She added that they are also seeking guidance from the Department of Justice on their courses of action as Teves has been designated a terrorist by the government.

The PNP also has tracker teams from the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group and other law enforcement units for Teves’ co-accused suspects.

There were reports Teves is in Timor-Leste where the Philippines has no extradition treaty for fugitives.

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