UN Day: Philippines marks role in community of nations

In this file photo taken on Aug. 1, 2022, the United Nations headquarters is seen in New York City. After four inconclusive sessions, UN member states on August 15, 2022, resumed talks aimed at finally completing a treaty to protect the world's high seas, a vital yet fragile resource that covers nearly half the planet.
AFP/Daniel Slim

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines continues to make its mark in the United Nations, with at least 657 Filipinos serving in various capacities for the UN overseas, UN Philippines Resident Coordinator Gustavo Gonzalez said.

He highlighted the partnership between the Philippines and the UN and the contribution of Filipinos to the UN during the celebration of UN Day.

“For these women and men, there is no more compelling imperative to keep striving,” Gonzalez said.

Oct. 24 is United Nations Day. It marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. With the ratification of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the UN officially came into being.

Seventy-seven years later, Gonzalez said UN Day is as relevant as it was when it was first observed.

Filipino diplomat Carlos P. Romulo was among the founders of the UN and served as the president of the General Assembly.

“While the founding of the UN was a celebration of the end of the Second World War, global turmoil remains in various forms. Today, we are living in very complex times, where crises overlap, interconnect and exacerbate preexisting vulnerabilities,” Gonzalez said. “We have reached unusual levels of unpredictability, challenging multiculturalism and the various levels of political leadership.”

The Philippines is the only country in Asia that ratified eight of the nine core international human rights treaties. In October 2018, the Philippines was elected to its second consecutive term on the UN Human Rights Council, the fifth time the Philippines has been elected a member since the UNHRC’s establishment.

The Philippines actively took part in the negotiations for the Sendai Framework for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction in 2015 and succeeded in having migrants included in the Framework to recognize their contributions in building disaster resilient communities.

The country was one of the very first to report back on its implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in July 2016. In July 2018, and then in July this year, the Philippines presented its Voluntary National Review at the High-Level Political Forum.

The Philippines has also been an advocate of the protection of the rights and promotion of the welfare of migrants, through the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration since its adoption by the UN General Assembly in December 2018.

“We welcome the engagement of the government to support the UN reform to ensure that we are better able to adapt to the challenging times and effectively respond to national priorities,” he added.

Gonzalez noted that the ongoing preparation of the new Cooperation Framework between the Philippines, which is taking place at the same time that the new Philippine Development Plan is being developed, represents a unique opportunity to align the work of the UN with the Philippines’ development imperatives in the spirit of true partnership.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo said, “Throughout the years, the Philippines has been an active member and staunch advocate for the values and ideals of the United Nations.”

“We have always stood up for sovereign equality of states, peaceful resolution of disputes, equal rights of women and men, inclusive social development, the rule of law and justice for all,” Manalo said.

“The Philippines reaffirms its commitment to uphold the principles upon which the United Nations was founded, forging cordial ties with the members of the community of nations and strengthening partnerships to realize our national and collective aspiration of peace, security, and development for all peoples,” he said.

The secretary said that the Philippines plays a constructive role in the UN as a bridge-builder and champion of vulnerable groups, such as children and migrants, and developing countries’ interests.

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