Palace urges Russia, Ukraine to forge an agreement

Police officers remove the body of a passerby killed in yesterday's airstrike that hit Kyiv's main television tower in Kyiv on March 2, 2022. An apparent Russian airstrike hit Kyiv's main television tower in the heart of the Ukrainian capital on March 1, 2022.
AFP/Dimitar Dilkoff

MANILA, Philippines — Malacañang on Wednesday called for an agreement that would prevent the Ukraine crisis from escalating into a "conflagration" that would affect the world while it is still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acting presidential spokesman Karlo Nograles said the Philippines is one with the entire world in praying for an early and peaceful resolution to the conflict, which has so far claimed the lives of more than a hundred people, according to latest reports.

"We appeal for an immediate end to the unnecessary loss of life, and call on the states involved to forge an accord that can help prevent a conflagration that could engulf a world still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic," Nograles said in a statement.

"We reiterate the position of the Philippines that war benefits no one, and that it exacts a tragic, bloody toll on the lives of innocent men, women, and children in the areas of conflict," he added.

Nograles expressed hope that world leaders would strive to protect lives and to achieve lasting peace.

"The course of history and the fate of our world will be shaped by the decisions that will be made by its leaders. We are one in prayer, together with all peace-loving citizens, that they be guided by wisdom and a genuine desire to save lives, establish harmony among neighboring nations, and forge a just and lasting peace for humanity," the Palace official said.

Last Monday, the Philippines backed a resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine during an emergency session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

“The Philippines votes ‘Yes’ to the UNGA resolution and expresses explicit condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine. No one can trust news reports of casualties on either side but 14,000 have been killed since 2014,” the Philippines' statement read.

Nograles noted that the conflict in Ukraine has economic, trade, and human resource implications for the Philippines and its people. He said President Duterte has given assurances that mitigating measures and contingency plans would be in place as part of the government’s "proactive" response to the conflict. 

Duterte met with some Cabinet members and security officials last Tuesday to discuss possible scenarios in case the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues and escalates

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