Vape bill to undergo vetting

Medical groups earlier urged Duterte to veto the proposed Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Regulation Act, saying it will expose the youth to health risks associated with smoking.
AFP / Eva Hambach / File

MANILA, Philippines — Malacañang yesterday assured the public that the measure seeking to regulate the sale and use of vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products would be vetted thoroughly before it is sent to President Duterte for approval.

Medical groups earlier urged Duterte to veto the proposed Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Regulation Act, saying it will expose the youth to health risks associated with smoking.

They said the bill, which was approved recently by the bicameral conference committee, lowers the age of persons who are allowed to consume vapes from 21 to 18 years.

Doctors also questioned a provision of the bill designating the trade department as the lead agency in regulating vaping products.

They said only the Food and Drug Administration has the competence to assess the safety of products to be sold in the market.

If the President does not act on the measure within the 30-day period, the bill will lapse into law.

The Department of Health also objected to the bill, saying it has provisions that contradict public health goals and international standards.

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