Duterte asks rich nations to deliver on climate finance pledges

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers a speech during the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level General Debate on 22 September 2021.
Presidential Photo

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte called on wealthy nations to fulfill their financial assistance to developing countries like the Philippines to help them bolster their defenses against the catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis.

In a speech during the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, Duterte called for urgent climate action, “especially from those that can truly tip the balance.”

“The greatest injustice here is that those who suffer the most are those the least responsible for this existential crisis,” the chief executive said.

“Developed countries must fulfill their longstanding commitment to climate financing, technology transfer, and capacity-building in the developing world. This is a moral obligation that cannot be avoided,” he added.

Duterte made the call less than six weeks before the COP26 climate conference due to take place from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow, Scotland. The summit is seen as critical to keeping alive the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Last week, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reported that rich countries overall contributed $79.6 billion of international climate finance in 2019, well below the UN climate finance goal of $100 billion per year by 2020.

Share of responsibility

Duterte also told world leaders that the Philippines “accepts its share of responsibility and will do its part to avert this collective disaster.”

The country committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 75% in 2030. But only 2.71% of the target is unconditional, which means it will be undertaken without international funding and assistance.

“While it is good that the current administration has called for a coal moratorium, several coal projects remain in the pipeline, and the unconditional commitments in the Nationally Determined Contributions to reduce emissions remain insignificant,” Greenpeace Philippines country director Lea Guerrero said.

Guerrero also urged the government to abandon their nuclear ambitions as pursuing nuclear energy “contradicts all of his calls for climate justice, equality, inclusive green economy and the protection of people.”

“Instead of pursuing nuclear and fossil gas, the government must focus its efforts in ensuring that the right policies are in place to enable this massive uptake of renewable energy,” she said.

The government must call for accountability from fossil fuel companies, Guerrero added. — with report from Agence France-Presse

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