SWS: Pinoys with no love life reach all-time high

File photo shows a withered rose on asphalt.

MANILA, Philippines — The number of Filipinos who said that they had no love life reached an all-time high, according to the latest survey by private pollster Social Weather Stations.

The SWS found in its November 2020 survey that 18% of adult Filipinos do not have a love life — the highest since 2016, 2017 and 2019, when 14% of adult Filipinos reported not having a love life.

A half of Filipino adults said they have a “very happy” love life, the lowest since 2014 when only 49% reported having a “very happy” love life.

The remaining 31% said that their love life “could be happier.”

The SWS said that happiness with love life is highest among married men and women, while those who said their love life could be happier are highest among those with live-in partners.

Meanwhile, the survey also found that only 39% of adult Filipinos said they would be celebrating Valentine’s Day, while 31% were undecided and 27% said they would not be celebrating it.

For those who would celebrate Valentine’s Day, 45% would go to church or attend religious services, 27% would give gifts to their spouse or loved ones, 25% would prepare special food at home with their spouse or loved ones, and 11% would send Valentine greetings.

The SWS survey was conducted from November 21 to 25, 2020 using face-to-face interviews of 1,500 adults nationwide, with 600 coming from Balance Luzon and 300 each coming from Metro Manila, Visayas and Mindanao. — Xave Gregorio

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