Military wants criminal raps against cops in Jolo shooting, urges reforms in PNP

Three of the four soldiers killed in Jolo, Sulu on June 29 are given military honors as relatives receive the remains at Villamor Air Base in Pasay City on June 30. Maj. Marvin Indammog, Capt. Irwin Managuelod, Sgt. Jaime Velasco and Cpl. Abdal Asula died when Jolo Municipal Police Station personnel fired upon the Army intelligence team tailing suspected terrorist bombers in Jolo.
The STAR/Krizjohn Rosales

MANILA, Philippines — The Armed Forces of the Philippines welcomed the dismissal of nine of 12 of the cops involved in the shooting in Jolo, Sulu, but wants criminal charges filed against them.

“We are one with the families of our slain soldiers in their quest for the filing of criminal charges against the said members of Jolo Police,” the AFP said Saturday in a statement.

It said that it is optimistic that appropriate penalties will be meted on the policemen, but added that it wants the Philippine National Police (PNP) to institute measures to ensure similar incidents would not happen again.

PNP chief Gen. Debold Sinas said Friday that he approved the recommendation of the police’s Internal Affairs Service to dismiss S/Sgts. Almudzrin Hadjaruddin, Iskandar Susulan and Ernisar Sappal, Pat. Alkajal Mandangan, Rajiv Putalan and Moh Nur Parsani, Senior M/Sgt. Abdelzhimar Padjiri, M/Sgt. Hanie Baddiri and Cpl. Sulki Andaki from service.

All nine are currently under restrictive custody at the PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame.

The PNP chief said the police officers would be turned over to their families if no arrest warrant would be issued.

Sinas said the PNP could be held liable for arbitrary detention if they would continue to restrict the policemen after they are dropped from the rolls.

Maj. Marvin Indammog, Capt. Irwin Managuelod, Sgt. Jaime Velasco and Cpl. Abdal Asula were shot while conducting surveillance operations against suspected bombers.

The PNP had earlier described the incident as a "misencounter", but backtracked after investigation showed the soldiers did not put up a fight.

Lt. Col. Walter Annayo, who was relieved from his post over the incident, was gunned down by an unidentified assailant in Maguindanao in November. — Xave Gregorio with a report from Emmanuel Tupas/The STAR

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